MSHA - FedReg E9-5289 - Proposed Information Collection Request Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations;








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Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 47/Thursday, March 12, 2009/Notices 10779 III. Current Actions requirements on respondents can be procedures for liners or arches (if properly assessed. appropriate); (8) drawings indicating the The DOL seeks the approval for the Currently, the Mine Safety and Health planned width of openings, size of extension of this currently approved Administration (MSHA) is soliciting pillars, method of pillar recovery, and information collection. Type of Review: comments concerning the extension of the sequence of mining pillars; (9) a list Extension. the information collection related to the of all support materials required to be Agency: Employment Standards 30 CFR used in the roof, face and rib control Administration. system; (10) the intervals at which test 75.215—Longwall mining systems; Title: Health Insurance Claim Form holes will be drilled (if appropriate); 75.220—Roof control plan; (OWCP–1500). 75.221—Roof control plan information; and (11) a description of the methods to OMB Number: 1215–0055. 75.222—Roof control plan-approval be used for the protection of persons. Agency Number: OWCP–1500. criteria; and Under 30 CFR 75.215, the roof control Affected Public: Individuals or 75.223—Evaluation and revision of roof plan for each longwall mining section is households, businesses or other for- control plan. required to specify the methods that profit. DATES: Interested parties should submit will be used to maintain a safe Total ...
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Federal Register/ NoticesMarch 12, 2009/ Vol./ Thursday,74, No. 47
III. Current Actionsprocedures for liners or arches (ifrequirements on respondents can be properly assessed.appropriate); (8) drawings indicating the The DOL seeks the approval for the Currently, the Mine Safety and Healthplanned width of openings, size of extension of this currently approved Administration (MSHA) is solicitingpillars, method of pillar recovery, and information collection.Type of Review: comments concerning the extension ofthe sequence of mining pillars; (9) a list Extension. the information collection related to theof all support materials required to be Agency:Employment Standards 30 CFRused in the roof, face and rib control Administration. 75.215—Longwall mining systems;system; (10) the intervals at which test Title:Health Insurance Claim Form 75.220—Roof control plan;holes will be drilled (if appropriate); (OWCP–1500). 75.221—Roof control plan information;and (11) a description of the methods to OMB Number:1215–0055. 75.222—Roof control planapprovalbe used for the protection of persons. Agency Number:OWCP–1500. criteria; andUnder 30 CFR 75.215, the roof control Affected Public:Individuals or 75.223—Evaluation and revision of roof plan for each longwall mining section is households, businesses or other for control plan. required to specify the methods that profit. DATES:Interested parties should submitwill be used to maintain a safe Total Respondents:749,104. comments on or before May 11, 2009.travelway out of the section through the Total Responses:2,996,416. tailgate side of the longwall and the Time per Response:7 minutes.ADDRESSES:Send comments to, Debbie procedures that will be followed if a Frequency:Ferraro, Management Services Division,On occasion and annually. Estimated Total Burden Hours:ground failure prevents travel out of the1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2141, 359,358. Arlington,VA 22209–3939. Commenterssection through the tailgate side of the Total Burden Cost (Capital/Startup):longwall.are encouraged to send their comments $0. oncomputer disk, or via email to II. Desired Focus of Comments Total Burden Cost (Operating/Ferraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV.Ms. Ferraro Currently, the Mine Safety and Health Maintenance):be reached at (202) 693–9821$5,368,809. can Administration (MSHA) is soliciting Comments submitted in response to (voice), or (202) 693–9801 (facsimile). comments concerning the proposed this notice will be summarized and/or Because of potential delays in receipt extension of the information collection included in the request for Office of and processing of mail, respondents are requirement related to Roof Control Management and Budget approval of the strongly encouraged to submit Plans. MSHA is particularly interested information collection request; they will comments electronically to ensure in comments that: also become a matter of public record. timely receipt. We cannot guarantee that Evaluate whether the proposed comments mailed will be received Dated: March 9, 2009. collection of information is necessary before the comment closing date. Hazel Bell, for the proper performance of MSHA’s FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Acting Chief, Branch of Management Review functions, including whether the and Internal Control, Division of FinancialContact the employee listed in the information has practical utility; Management, Office of Management,ADDRESSESsection of this notice. Evaluate the accuracy of MSHA’s Administration and Planning, Employment SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: estimate of the burden of the proposed Standards Administration. collection of information, including the I. Background [FR Doc. E9–5368 Filed 3–11–09; 8:45 am] validity of the methodology and BILLING CODE 4510–CF–PSection 302(a) of the Federal Mine assumptions used; Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine Suggest methods to enhance the Act), 30 U.S.C. 846, requires that a roof quality, utility, and clarity of the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR control plan and revisions thereof information to be collected; and suitable to the roof conditions and Address the use of appropriate Mine Safety and Health Administration mining system of each coal mine be first automated, electronic, mechanical, or approved by the Secretary of Labor other technological collection Proposed Information Collection (Secretary) before implementation by techniques or other forms of information Request; Submitted for Public the operator. The plan must show the technology, (e.g., permitting electronic Comment and Recommendations; type of support and spacing approved submissions of responses) to minimize Roof Control Plan by the Secretary, and the plan must be the burden of the collection of reviewed at least every 6 months by the ACTION:on those who are toNotice. information Secretary. respond. SUMMARY:Under 30 CFR 75.221, the informationThe Department of Labor, as A copy of the proposed information part of its continuing effort to reducerequired to be submitted and approved collection request can be obtained by paperwork and respondent burdenin the roof control plan includes the contacting the employee listed in the conducts a preclearance consultationfollowing: (1) The name and address of ADDRESSESsection of this notice or program to provide the general publicthe company; (2) the name, address, viewed on the Internet by accessing the and Federal agencies with anmine identification number, and MSHA home page (http:// opportunity to comment on proposedlocation of the mine; (3) the name and and selecting ‘‘Rules & and/or continuing collections oftitle of the company official responsible Regs’’, and then selecting ‘‘FedReg. information in accordance with thefor the plan; (4) a description of the Docs’’. On the next screen, select Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995mine strata; (5) a description and ‘‘Paperwork Reduction Act Supporting (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. Thedrawings of the sequence of installation Statement’’ to view documents program helps to ensure that requestedand spacing of supports for each method supporting theFederal RegisterNotice. data can be provided in the desiredof mining used; (6) the maximum III. Current Actions format, reporting burden (time anddistance that an ATRS system is to be financial resources) is minimized,set beyond the last row of permanentFalls of roof, face and rib continue to collection instruments are clearlysupport (if appropriate); (7)be a cause of injuries and death in understood, and the impact of collectionspecifications and installationunderground coal mines. All
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Federal RegisterMarch 12, 2009/ Notices74, No. 47/ Thursday,/ Vol.
underground coal mine operators arecopies of the information collectionNATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND required to develop and submit roofinstrument(s) and instructions shouldSPACE ADMINISTRATION control plans to MSHA for evaluationbe directed to Dr. Walter Kit, NASA and approval. These plans provide theClearance Officer, NASA Headquarters,Notice of Information Collection means to instruct miners, who install300 E Street, SW., JF000, Washington, AGENCY:National Aeronautics and roof supports, and the minimumDC 20546, (202) 358–1350,Walter.Kit Space Administration (NASA). requirements and placement of Notice:(09–029). supports. The plan also provides a SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: ACTION:Notice of information collection. reference for mine supervisors to assist them in compliance with the planI. Abstract SUMMARY:The National Aeronautics and requirements. In that regard the plan is This collection is required by NASASpace Administration, as part of its a working document for the miners. FAR Supplement clause 1852.219–85continuing effort to reduce paperwork Type of Review:Extension. and supports recertification of eligibilityand respondent burden, invites the Agency:Mine Safety and Health of compliance with SBIR/STTR programgeneral public and other Federal Administration. requirements. agenciesto take this opportunity to Title:Roof Control Plan. comment on proposed and/or OMB Number:1219–0004. II. Method of Collection continuing information collections, as Recordkeeping:Indefinite. The SBIR/STTR contractor mayrequired by the Paperwork Reduction Frequency:On occasion. submit the required recertification Affected Public:Business or other forAct of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13, 44 U.S.C. electronically, unless the cognizant profit. 3506(c)(2)(A)). Total Number of Responses:Contracting Officer requires the3,516. NASA DATES:All comments should be Total Burden Hours:to be submitted via hard12,813. recertification submitted within 60 calendar days from Total Burden Cost (operating/copy. Approximately 50% of the the date of this publication. maintaining):are collected electronically.$7,020. responses ADDRESSES:All comments should be Comments submitted in response to addressed to Dr. Walter Kit, NASA III. Data this notice will be summarized and/or Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief included in the request for Office ofTitle:SBIR/STTR Contractor Information Officer, JF000, National Management and Budget approval of theRecertification. Aeronautics and Space Administration, information collection request; they will OMB Number:2700–0124. Washington, DC 20546–0001. also become a matter of public record. Type of Review:Revision of currently FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 3rd dayapproved collection. Requests for additional information or of March 2009.Affected Public:Business or other for copies of the information collection John Rowlett,profit. instrument(s) and instructions should Estimated Number of Respondents: Director, Management Services Division. be directed to Dr. Walter Kit, NASA 423. [FR Doc. E9–5289 Filed 3–11–09; 8:45 am] Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief Estimated Time per Response:0.50 hr. Information Officer, NASA BILLING CODE 4510–43–P Estimated Total Annual Burden Headquarters, 300 E Street, SW., Mail Hours:212. Code JF000, Washington, DC 20546, Estimated Total Annual Cost:$0. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND(202) 358–1350,walter.kit SPACE ADMINISTRATION IV. Request for CommentsSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Comments are invited on: (1) WhetherI. Abstract Notice of Information Collection the proposed collection of information This information collection is used to AGENCY:National Aeronautics and is necessary for the proper performance assess the contribution of NASA Small Space Administration (NASA). of the functions of NASA, including Business Innovation Research (SBIR) ACTION:Notice of information collection. whether the information collected has technology to the National Economy in practical utility; (2) the accuracy of accordance with the Government Notice:(09–026). NASA’s estimate of the burden SUMMARY:The National Aeronautics andPerformance and Results Act (GPRA). (including hours and cost) of the Space Administration, as part of its proposed collection of information; (3)II. Method of Collection continuing effort to reduce paperwork ways to enhance the quality, utility, and The survey will be electronic and is and respondent burden, invites the clarity of the information to be available on NASA’s SBIR Web site at general public and other Federal collected; and (4) ways to minimize the agencies to take this opportunity to burden of the collection of information survey.html.Electronic submission of comment on proposed and/or on respondents, including automated the subject information is available to continuing information collections, as collection techniques or the use of other 100% of all surveyed firms. required by the Paperwork Reduction forms of information technology. Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13, 44 U.S.C. III. Data Comments submitted in response to 3506(c)(2)(A)). this notice will be summarized andTitle:NASA Small Business DATES:All comments should be included in the request for OMBInnovation Research Commercial submitted within 60 calendar days from approval of this information collection.Metrics. the date of this publication. They will also become a matter ofOMB Number:2700–0095. ADDRESSES:All comments should be public record.Type of Review:Extension of a addressed to Dr. Walter Kit, National currently approved collection. Walter Kit, Aeronautics and Space Administration, Affected Public:Business or other for Washington, DC 20546–0001.NASA Clearance Officer. profit. [FR Doc. E9–5304 Filed 3–11–09; 8:45 am] FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Estimated Number of Respondents: Requests for additional information orBILLING CODE 7510–13–P1,000/once every 3 years.
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