40612 Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 154/Wednesday, August 12, 2009/Notices addressed under OMB No. 1219–0070 injury or death should a fire occur at or DATES: Submit comments on or before (Certificate of Training, MSHA Form near their work location. October 13, 2009. 5000–23). Type of Review: Extension. ADDRESSES: Send comments to U.S. Agency: Mine Safety and Health Section 77.1101(c) requires escape Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Administration. and evacuation plans to include the Health Administration, John Rowlett, Title: Escape and Evacuation Plans. designation and proper maintenance of Director, Management Services OMB Number: 1219–0051. an adequate means for exiting areas Division, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room Frequency: On Occasion. where persons are required to work or 2134, Arlington, VA 22209–3939. Affected Public: Business or other for- travel including buildings, equipment, Commenters are encouraged to send profit. and areas where persons normally their comments on a computer disk, or Respondents: 351. congregate during the work shift. via e-mail to Rowlett.John@dol.gov. Mr. Responses: 351. While escape and evacuation plans Rowlett can be reached at (202) 693– Total Burden Hours: 1,695 hours. are not subject to approval by MSHA Total Burden Cost (operating/ 9827 (voice), or (202) 693–9801 district managers, MSHA inspectors maintaining): $0. (facsimile). evaluate the adequacy of the plans Comments submitted in response to FOR FURTHER ...