62572 Federal Register/Vol. 71, No. 207/Thursday, October 26, 2006/Proposed Rules Applicability (i) For any engine that has not been approve alternative methods of compliance inspected using paragraph (h) of AD 2005– for this AD if requested using the procedures (c) This AD applies to Teledyne 20–04, within 25 hours TIS or at the annual found in 14 CFR 39.19. Continental Motors (TCM) GTSIO–520 series inspection, whichever occurs first, do the reciprocating engines. These engines are Related Information following: installed on, but not limited to, Twin (1) Perform the inspection procedures (o) None. Commander (formerly Aero Commander) specified in Part 2 of TCM MSB No. MSB94– model 685, Cessna model 404, 411 series, Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on 4G, dated October 31, 2005 and replace and 421 series, British Aerospace, Aircraft October 18, 2006. components as necessary. Group, Scottish Division model B.206 series Thomas A. Boudreau, (2) Thereafter, at each 100-hour TIS 2 and Aeronautica Macchi model AM–3 Acting Manager, Engine and Propeller interval (plus or minus 10 hours TIS) perform airplanes. repetitive inspections and component Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. Unsafe Condition replacements as specified in paragraph (i)(1) [FR Doc. E6–17935 Filed 10–25–06; 8:45 am] of this AD. (d) This AD results from an error BILLING CODE 4910–13–P (3) If the inspection is performed at more discovered in AD 2005–20–04. We are than 100 hour intervals ...