Communications Part I3. Nonlinear Modulation Methods0. Introduction: Stochastic Processes4. Spectral Characteristics1. Principles of Digital Transmission3. Demodulation of Dig. Waveforms1. Structure of Data Transmission1. Coherent Demodulation2. Spectra of Data Signals2. Noncoherent3. Nyquist Criterion3. Carrier Recovery4. Partial Response Transmission4. Timing Synchronisation5. Matched Filter6. Bit Error Probability7. Time Multiplex (PCM-Hierachy)2. Digital Modulation1. Lowpass – Bandpass Transform.2. Linear Modulation Methods1-11.1 Structure of Data Transmission Systemsobjective: transmitting discrete values d(i) across an analog channel¥Td(i)d()t- iT? 0di() xt()impulse i =-¥Source gt()Txgeneratordiscrete time continuous time Channel.i Tyt()% xi%()di()Desti- gt()Rxnation? weighting time-shifted analog impulses g (t-iT) with d(i)Tx¥¥Ø ø ?g (t -iT)= T ? ?d (t -iT) g (t) = T ? d (i)x(t) d (i) * Tx ? Tx? 0Œ œi=-¥º i =-¥ ß1-21.2 Spectrum of a Data SignalWhat are the spectral characteristics S (jw ) of x(t) ?XX*r (t +t,t) = E{X (t)X (t +t )}XX¥ ¥2r t -lT - l T g ( )(t +t ,t) = T ? r ( l ) ? g ( ) t -lT +tTxXX ? DD ? Txl =-¥ l=-¥r (t +t,t) = r (t + T +t ,t + T ) ? cyclostationaryXX XXeliminate time dependence by time-averagingT/ 21 E tr (t ) = r (t ,t) dt = T ? r (l) r ( + l )+t TXX ? gg?XX DDT l- T/ 21-3Spectrum of a Data Signalr (t )S ( jw)= { }F XX XX2T E E jwl Tr (t )r (t ) t = T ? r (l) S ( jw )e= r (l) r ( + lT ) F { }gg ? ggXX ? ...