REVISED PARKINSONIA NATIONAL STRATEGY TABLE Vision: Parkinsonia is confined and its impacts reduced to a minimum 1. Protect clean areas and eradicate outlier infestations Objectives are: A Protect clean areas and promote early detection of new infestations B Eradication of isolated and scattered infestations Objectives National Action/s and Tasks Responsibility Performance Indicators (inc. Timing) 1.1 Control infestations in Progress eradication objectives for PIRSA, I&I NSW, Number and/or % of eradication zones NSW, SA and within the eradication DEEDI, NRETAS, eradication sites actively zones in Qld, NT and WA DAFWA, SAAL, & effectively managed regional groups, local (annually) govt Ensure follow-up inspections and PIRSA, I&I NSW, Number of sites control of all infestation sites within DEEDI, NRETAS, inspected (annually) NSW and SA and eradication zones DAFWA, SAAL, in Qld, NT and WA and monitor for regional groups, local seedling germination govt PIRSA, I&I NSW, All states/territory have Develop and use databases, DEEDI, NRETAS, an eradication data base registers or similar systems for DAFWA, SAAL, operational (2015) maintaining consistent site records regional groups, local for eradication zones at either a site, govt regional, state or territory level PIRSA, I&I NSW, Reports (annually) Evaluate progress of eradication DEEDI, NRETAS, Number of sites at a objectives at a site, regional, state DAFWA, SAAL, ...