Comparison between the dynamic performance of double-and single-gate AlInAs/InGaAs HEMTs








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Colecciones : GIDS. Artículos del Grupo de Investigación en Dispositivos Semiconductores
Fecha de publicación : 2007
Se han estudiado las características estáticas y dinámicas de HEMTs de doblre puerta (DG-HEMTs) por medio de simulaciones Monte Carlo, y se han comparado con las de los HEMTs de puerta única. Las simulaciones reproducen adecuadamente los resultados experimentales y permiten confirmar y explicar desde el punto de vista microscópico el origen de la reducción de los efectos de canal corto y el aumento de fmax que se observa en los transistores de doble puerta.The static and dynamic behavior of InAlAs/InGaAsdouble-gate high-electron mobility transistors (DG-HEMTs) isstudied by means of an ensemble 2-D Monte Carlo simulator.The model allows us to satisfactorily reproduce the experimentalperformance of this novel device and to go deeply into its physicalbehavior. A complete comparison between DG and similarstandard HEMTs has been performed, and devices with differentgate lengths have been analyzed in order to check the attenuationof short-channel effects expected in the DG-structures. Wehave confirmed that, for very small gate lengths, short-channeleffects are less significant in the DG-HEMTs, leading to a betterintrinsic dynamic performance. Moreover, the higher values ofthe transconductance over drain conductance ratio gm/gd and,especially, the lower gate resistance Rg also provide a significantimprovement of the extrinsic fmax.
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Comparison Between the Dynamic Performance of Double- and Single-Gate AlInAs/InGaAs HEMTs Beatriz G. Vasallo, Nicolas Wichmann, Sylvain Bollaert, Yannick Roelens, Alain Cappy, Senior Member, IEEE , Tomás González, Senior Member, IEEE , Daniel Pardo, and Javier Mateos
Abstract —The static and dynamic behavior of InAlAs/InGaAs double-gate high-electron mobility transistors (DG-HEMTs) is studied by means of an ensemble 2-D Monte Carlo simulator. The model allows us to satisfactorily reproduce the experimental performance of this novel device and to go deeply into its phys-ical behavior. A complete comparison between DG and similar standard HEMTs has been performed, and devices with different gate lengths have been analyzed in order to check the attenua-tion of short-channel effects expected in the DG-structures. We have confirmed that, for very small gate lengths, short-channel effects are less significant in the DG-HEMTs, leading to a better intrinsic dynamic performance. Moreover, the higher values of the transconductance over drain conductance ratio g m /g d and, especially, the lower gate resistance R g also provide a significant improvement of the extrinsic f max . Index Terms —Double-gate high-electron mobility transistor (DG-HEMT), dynamic behavior, Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. I. I NTRODUCTION ility transistors (HEMTs) I hnaPv-eBAprSoEvDedhtioghe-xehliebcittroannemxocbellentperformanceforap-(FLiigl.le1,.FraSnEceM).imageofa100-nm-gateDG-HEMTfabricatedintheIEMN plications in the microwave and millimeter-wave frequency ranges [1]. To further improve the frequency operation of these microwave performance of the HEMTs. To avoid these effects, devices, their gate length L g has been reduced down to the tech-nological limit. In this way, a cutoff frequency f t of 562 GHz a vertical scaling of the layer structure must go along with the and a maximum oscillation frequency f max of 330 GHz have r L e g d / u a ct,iownheorfeth a eigsattheelednisgttahnicneobredtewretoenketheepagahtiegehleacstpreocdteraatniod been obtained in a T-gate InAlAs/InGaAs pseudomorphic the 2-D channel electron gas. This scaling rule is limited by the HEMT by reducing L g down to 25 nm [2]. The reduction of emergence of a leakage current through the Schottky barrier the source and drain parasitic resistances by using a multilayer captechnologyina30-nm-gate-lengthstructureallowedusto8att1h0engmat.e;Ththeun,s, f t t hcisandnisottasnccaelecaunpnaotnybmeorreeduwciethdt L o g .leTsshethdaen-reach an f max of 400 GHz, together with a simultaneously high f t of 547 GHz [3]. However, very small values of L g involve vice aspect ratio is consequently considered as the fundamental theso-calledshort-channeleffects(thegatecapacitancedoeslimTitookfeHepEoMnTis.mprovingthefrequencyperformanceofthese not scale with L g anymore, and the transconductance g m and transistors (especially regarding f max ), alternative solutions the output conductance g d are deteriorated), which limit the based on an evolution of the standard HEMT design have been considered. Thus, the double-gate HEMT (DG-HEMT), which is a HEMT with two gates placed on each side of the conducting Manuscript received April 5, 2007; revised July 5, 2007. This work was [I4n]Ga[6A].sEcvheannnieflt(hsieseidFeiag.w1a)s,choanscebieveendsreocmeentltiydevegloopfeod supported in part by the Dirección General de Investigación (MEC, Spain) and me a r FEDER through the Project TEC2004-05231 and in part by the Consejería sh e first de Educación of the Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) through the Project tSiim-deetvoiceosur[7k]no[9w]l,etdhgee,atuhtehofrasbriinca[t4i]on[6o]fDoGw-t,rafnosristthorson SA044A05. This work has been performed in the framework of Institut de III–V materials. In those previous works [4]–[6], we have Recherche en Composants pour l’Information et la Communication Avancée (IRCICA). The review of this paper was arranged by Editor M. Anwar. -HEMT which B. G. Vasallo, T. González, D. Pardo, and J. Mateos are with the Departa-reexphiobrtitesdathveefraybrhiicgahtioexntroifnsaic10 g 0 m -namndT-agagteooDdGpinchoff,behav-mento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Salamanca, 37008 Salamanca, Spain ior (lower g d ) as compared with the conventional single-gate (e-mail:; N. Wichmann, S. Bollaert, Y. Roelens, and A. Cappy are with the Institut e de d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologies–Département (aSbGe)t-teHrEcMhaTr.gTehicsohnatrpoplnasndsinccoeutnhteeraDctGsgtehoemeeftfreyctcaonfpcraorvriier Hyperfréquences et Semiconducteurs, 59652 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2007.907801 injection into the buffer (since no buffer is used in the structure). 0018-9383/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE
y.plaps XploEEE om I2 fritnortciR seer .
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