Active control of sound transmission loss through a single panel partition using distributed actuators.








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··Active control of sound transmission loss through asingle panel partition using distributed actuators.Part II : Experiments.W. Dehandschutter†, K. Henrioulle, P. SasDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, division PMA, K.U.Leuven, Belgiume mail : author is now with Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products†AbstractThis paper discusses a series of experiments which have been performed in order to validate the potential ofvarious configurations with which the transmission of sound through a single panel partition is activelycontrolled. The experimental set up which is used consists of a single steel panel of size 300 400 1 mmwhich is subject to a plane wave acoustic excitation. The control system consists of a distributed acousticactuator which is placed near the steel panel. Two configurations, with the control actuator placed at the“receiving” side and at the “radiating” side have been tested. The control actuator is driven by a controllerwhich aims at reducing the acoustic energy at the radiating side. Various control approaches have beentested, using different control strategies for both of the control actuator configurations.In [4], a light weight distributed acousticactuator is presented which is designed specifically1. Introductionto be used under these circumstances. The actuatorconsists of a honeycomb core (the “carrier”The research work which is presented in this paperstructure) which is covered by a PVDF foil ...
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Active control of sound transmission loss through a
single panel partition using distributed actuators.
Part II : Experiments.
W. Dehandschutter†, K. Henrioulle, P. Sas
Department of Mechanical Engineering, division PMA, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
e-mail :
author is now with Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products
This paper discusses a series of experiments which have been performed in order to validate the potential of
various configurations with which the transmission of sound through a single panel partition is actively
controlled. The experimental set-up which is used consists of a single steel panel of size 300
1 mm
which is subject to a plane wave acoustic excitation. The control system consists of a distributed acoustic
actuator which is placed near the steel panel. Two configurations, with the control actuator placed at the
“receiving” side and at the “radiating” side have been tested. The control actuator is driven by a controller
which aims at reducing the acoustic energy at the radiating side. Various control approaches have been
tested, using different control strategies for both of the control actuator configurations.
1. Introduction
The research work which is presented in this paper
aims at developing efficient distributed actuators for
active control of sound transmission through single
or double wall partitions. Typical applications where
these actuators would be used are : to enhance the
insertion loss of industrial sound encapsulations at
low frequencies, to control the sound field inside car
or aircraft cabins, to reduce the transmission of
sound through the walls of poorly insulated
buildings, etc.
Active control of sound and vibration relies on
using a set of control actuators which are driven
such that they minimise the vibration or sound
pressure level due to a primary disturbance at
specified locations. To this aim, a “classical” active
noise control system will typically employ a number
of loudspeakers with which the sound field,
originating from the primary disturbance, is
controlled. Active control systems have already
been demonstrated to perform well for the kind of
applications envisaged here [1 - 3]. However, the
practical or commercial realisation of such an active
control system is often constrained by practical
considerations, such as the fact that standard
permanent magnet loudspeakers cannot easily be fit
into the air gap of double wall partitions.
In [4], a light-weight distributed acoustic
actuator is presented which is designed specifically
to be used under these circumstances. The actuator
consists of a honeycomb core (the “carrier”
structure) which is covered by a PVDF foil on both
sides. By controlling the driving voltage which is
applied to the PVDF foils, an out-of-plane motion
can be induced in the actuator. The dimensions of
the actuator and the design of the PVDF foils has
been optimised [4] as to generate the highest sound
power output possible in the frequency range
considered (100 - 500 Hz for typical industrial
This paper is a sequel of a first paper [5] in
which numerical simulations are presented of
various configurations in which the control actuator
is used to control the transmission of sound through
a single panel partition. The aim of the present paper
is twofold :
to experimentally validate the
simulation model which is used in [5], and
provide additional insight in the control mechanisms
that determine the control performance of the
various control approaches tested.
The paper starts with describing the experimental
test set-up and the apparatus which was used in the
tests, after which the results achieved for the
different control configurations are presented and
2. The test set-up
Description of the test set-up
Figure 1 presents the test set-up which was used in
the experiments. A transmission wall was installed
above the cellar of a semi-anechoic test room. A 300
400 mm opening was provided in the transmission
wall in which a passive plate and the control
actuator could be mounted. The primary disturbance
source was a loudspeaker, mounted in the cellar,
below the transmission wall. The aim of the active
control system was to minimise the transmission of
sound from the cellar (the sending room) to the
semi-anechoic test chamber (the receiving room).
Figure 1a.
Schematic overview of the test set-up.
The primary disturbance was driven by a Cada-X
data acquisition system. The primary excitation was
controlled as to realise a constant (i.e. identical in all
experiments) sound pressure level measured at the
microphones located close to the single panel
partition at the incident side. The control
performance was monitored by measuring the
acoustic intensity above the single panel partition,
with and without control.
The test set-up was constructed carefully as to
Figure 1b. View on the control actuator mounted in
a frame in the transmission wall. The frame allows
to mount a steel plate above or below the actuator.
The vibration level of the actuator is measured by
means of 9 accelerometers.
Minimise flanking noise transmission. This was
necessary as the active control system proved to be
able to realise an increase of the transmission loss in
the order of 20 dB.
Actuator configurations tested
All experiments were carried out using the same
control actuator, shown in figure 1b. As explained
extensively in [4], the actuator principle is based on
the effect of extension/contraction of the PVDF foils
when a voltage is applied to them. By bonding the
foils to a carrier structure, this extension/contraction
can be converted into a bending motion of the
carrier, and hence into vertical motion. The control
force applied to the carrier structure has been
maximised by completely covering the carrier with a
PVDF foil. For this configuration, the distributed
force applied by the foils can also be modeled by 4
line moments, each of them acting on the borders of
the carrier structure. This implies that only the
[odd, odd], modes of the carrier can be controlled
with the current PVDF foil configuration. This
means that in circumstances where the sound waves,
incident on the single panel partition, are not
perpendicular plane waves, some of the [odd,even],
[even,odd] and [even,even] modes will be excited
while their contribution cannot be controlled by
applying a control voltage to the control actuator. It
must be noted that due to the dimension of the
actuator, plane waves with an angle of incidence up
to 45° will excite these uncontrollable modes only to
a very small extent (actually the dimensions of the
actuator were limited to achieve this). In the case of
a diffuse primary sound field, however, the
occurrence of uncontrollable modes in the frequency
band of interest can limit the achievable control
performance. As illustrated by the results presented
in [5], the deterioration of the control performance is
limited in this case because the uncontrollable
modes are all dipole modes and hence have a poor
radiation efficiency.
Three control configurations have been tested
and will be discussed in this paper. In a first set-up,
only the control actuator was mounted in the
opening of the transmission wall. Afterwards, two
configurations were tested in which a passive steel
panel is combined with the control actuator. These
configurations simulate applications where the
passive (steel) plate is a functional system
component (e.g. the fuselage of an aircraft
constitutes a pressurised passenger’s compartment)
of which the passive sound insulation properties are
enhanced by mounting a control actuator close to it.
configuration A, the actuator is mounted at the
incident (sending room) side of the passive plate ; in
configuration B, the actuator is mounted at the
radiating (receiving room) side of the passive plate.
Control strategies
All control experiments have been performed using
an adaptive Filtered-X LMS feedforward controller
to drive the control actuator. The controller was
implemented on a Digisonix
dX-200 system. The
reference signal for the controller is taken directly
from the signal generator. The adaptive Filtered-X
LMS feedforward controller generates a control
signal with a frequency content equal to that
measured in the reference signal by feeding the
reference signal through an adaptive filter. The
adaptive filter is updated every time sample as to
optimise the amplitude and phase of all frequency
components of the control signal. The adaptive filter
is updated such that the sum of the squares of a
predefined set of error signals is minimised.
Different control strategies can thus be realised
configurations. In the experiments presented here, it
was investigated whether the control performance
achieved with error microphones located in the
receiving room (the best but often not-so-practical
configuration) could as well be achieved using
accelerometers located on the control actuator
and/or passive plate as error sensors.
3. Test results
First a few general remarks are given with respect to
the test results presented in this paper :
All error signals, vibration levels, sound
pressure levels, and control voltages, are
presented as an FRF with the sound pressure
measured at the incident side as a reference.
This was done mainly because it was virtually
impossible to realise a flat frequency spectrum
for the incident sound pressure level. This was
due to the standing wave phenomena occurring
in the sending room, which leads to sharp peaks
at the acoustic resonance frequencies of the
sending room in all measured spectra. The first
three acoustic resonance frequencies of the
cavity constituted by the cellar are 79, 119 and
121 Hz and hence they are well within the
frequency range of interest. By “normalising”
the measured spectra with the incident sound
pressure level, yields a frequency response
function of which all resonance peaks are due to
the dynamics of the single panel partition itself.
It must be noted that the sound intensities were
not measured as an FRF and hence the sending
room resonances show up in these spectra.
All spectra, with and without control, have been
measured using a broadband excitation signal
for the primary source. Feedforward control of
broadband disturbances implies that
causality constraint must be satisfied [7]. In a
control configuration such as the experimental
set-up which is presented here, this implies that
it is assumed that the primary source is located
at large enough a distance from the transmission
wall to allow sufficient time for the controller to
measure and process the reference signal and to
apply the control action at the appropriate time
instance. In cases where this condition was not
satisfied, the control performance was degraded
For the same reasons, the controller was run at a
sample frequency of 5000 Hz, since this reduces
the time delay through the control path.
3.1 Control of sound transmission
through the control actuator
In a first series of tests, only the actuator was
installed in the transmission wall opening. This
configuration is only relevant for applications where
honeycomb panels are already used as functional
system components (e.g. aircraft trim panels). The
experimental results show that the transmission loss
through the panel can be increased significantly by
restructuring the vibration patterns of the panel. The
test results reveal some important properties of the
control actuator.
Figure 2 presents the acoustic intensity -with and
without control- radiated by the actuator when it is
excited by the primary source. Two control systems
are compared, the first employing 4 accelerometers
as error sensors, the second one using 2 error
microphones. One error microphone was located
close to the actuator, the second at 1 m distance
above the center of the actuator. The 4
accelerometers have been located on the actuator
surface such that all structural modes which
participate to the structural response in this
frequency band could be observed. However, figure
2 shows that the transmission loss cannot be
increased at frequencies above 250 Hz with this
control system.
This is explained by figure 3 an 4. Figure 3
presents the vibration level, measured in the centre
of the actuator for both control systems. Figure 4
presents the control voltage, sent to the control
actuator, for both cases. Figure 3 shows that the
vibration level is indeed reduced significantly when
using accelerometers as error sensors. In the case of
error microphones, however, the control system
increases the vibration level substantially, while at
the same time the radiated acoustic intensity is
reduced (figure 2). This result shows that it is more
efficient to excite some of the structural actuator
modes and to properly control the phasing between
these modes such that their contributions cancel,
rather than to reduce the amplitude of all the
structural modes. This control mechanism is present
in the complete frequency band under consideration,
except at low frequency. This is explained by the
fact that the control actuator, due to the way it is
constructed, can only control one structural actuator
mode independently from all other modes. At low
frequency, the response of the actuator is dominated
by only one mode, namely the [1,1] -mode
(resonance frequency at 125 Hz), which radiates
very efficiently. Thus it is most efficient to reduce
the mode amplitude of this mode only in order to
reduce the radiated sound power. At higher
frequencies, however, various efficiently radiating
modes are excited at the same time such that it
becomes more effective to control their relative
phasing rather than to control the individual
amplitude of just one mode.
Configuration A : passive plate at
the radiating side
In this configuration, three different control systems
were tested. The first employs the same two error
microphones as in the previous test. The two other
systems use accelerometers as error sensors : in the
first case they are located on the passive plate, in the
second case they are located on the actuator.
The acoustic intensity, radiated by the passive
plate with and without control, is presented in figure
5 for the three control systems. A slightly different
control mechanism is observed in this case : for this
configuration and with this type of actuator it seems
to be most efficient to reduce the vibration level of
the passive plate. Both the control system with error
microphones and the system with accelerometers on
the passive plate yield almost identical control
performance. The observation that controlling the
vibration level of the control actuator is a less
efficient control approach is explained by figure 6
which shows that from 225 Hz the vibration level of
the passive plate can only be reduced by increasing
vibration level of the actuator.
For this configuration, it must be noted that the
control voltage sent to the actuator is significantly
larger as compared to the first test (figure 7). This is
explained by the fact that the actuator now has to
“drive” the acoustic impedance of the double panel
partition constituted by the actuator and the passive
panel. This impedance is significantly larger as the
impedance which the actuator “sees” when
operating in the free field.
Configuration B : actuator at the
radiating side
Two control systems have been compared for this
configuration : the first one using the same two error
microphones, the second one using accelerometers
located on the actuator.
Figure 8 presents the acoustic intensity radiated
by the actuator without and with control for both
control systems. The figure shows that above
200 Hz no increase of transmission loss is achieved
by merely controlling the vibration level of the
actuator. Figure 9 shows that, in order to increase
the transmission loss at all frequencies (which is
realised by using the microphones as error sensors)
the vibration level of the actuator is increased at all
frequencies. This result seems to be somewhat in
contradiction with the results presented in section
3.1, as in both experiments, the control actuator is
Figure 2. Acoustic intensity radiated by the actuator in the case where only the actuator is mounted in the transmission wall. Solid :
without control ; dashed : control using 4 accelerometers as error sensors ; dotted : control with 2 error microphones.
Figure 3. Vibration level measured in the centre of the actuator in the case where only the actuator is mounted in the transmission
wall. Solid : without control ; dashed : control using 4 accelerometers as error sensors ; dotted : control with 2 error microphones.
Figure 4. Control voltage sent to the actuator in the case where only the actuator is mounted in the transmission wall. Solid : control
with 2 error microphones ; dotted : control using 4 accelerometers as error sensors.
Figure 5. Acoustic intensity radiated by the panel in configuration A. Solid : without control ; dashed : control using accelerometers
on the passive plate as error sensors ; dash-dot : control using accelerometers on the actuator as error sensors ; dotted : control with 2
error microphones.
Figure 6. Vibration level measured in the centre of the actuator in configuration A. Solid : without control ; dashed : control using 4
accelerometers on the passive plate as error sensors ; dotted : control with 2 error microphones.
Figure 7. Control voltage sent to the actuator in configuration A. Solid : control with 2 error microphones ;
dotted : control using 4 accelerometers on the passive plate as error sensors.
Figure 8. Acoustic intensity radiated by the panel in configuration B. Solid : without control ; dashed : control using accelerometers
on the passive plate as error sensors ; dash-dot : control using accelerometers on the actuator as error sensors ; dotted : control with 2
error microphones.
Figure 9. Vibration level measured in the centre of the actuator in configuration B. Solid : without control ; dashed : control using 4
accelerometers on the passive plate as error sensors ; dotted : control with 2 error microphones.
Figure 10. Control voltage sent to the actuator in configuration B. Solid : control with 2 error microphones ; dotted : control using 4
accelerometers on the passive plate as error sensors.
mounted at the receiving room side. In section 3.1, it
was observed that the control system achieves the
best performance by reducing the actuator vibration
level at low frequencies, rather than increasing it, as
it is the case in configuration B. In the configuration
presented here, however, the sound field which
excites the control actuator is more complicated due
to the coupling between the actuator and the passive
plate. As a result, most of the [odd,odd] actuator
modes are excited at the same time at all frequencies
(whereas only the [1,1] mode was found to be
dominant at low frequency in the experiments
presented in section 3.1). The most efficient control
mechanism in this case is to rearrange the phasing
between these modes.
Despite the apparent difference in achieved
control performance, it is interesting to note that the
vibration level of the passive plate is almost
identical for both control systems tested here, i.e. the
same level as in the case without control is
maintained (except at low frequency).
4. Conclusions
The main aim of the experiments which are
presented in this paper was to show that the
distributed acoustic actuator, which was specifically
designed to be a lightweight multi-purpose ANC
actuator, can indeed be used to effectively control
the transmission of sound through single panel
partitions. In this sense, the experiments confirm the
conclusions drawn from the simulations, presented
in Part I [5].
In this respect it must be noted that in many
potential applications, the actuator would be used to
control periodic sound fields. The results which
have been presented here only partially serve as a
prediction of the achievable control performance
under such circumstances. First of all, the
experiments have been carried out using broadband
excitation. The control performance achieved at
each frequency line will only match the control
performance achieved for a harmonic primary
disturbance at that frequency iff
the control
system satisfies the causality constraints applying to
feedforward control systems [8] and
the order of
the controller is large enough to adequately model
the optimal controller transfer function over the
whole frequency range which is excited by the
broadband primary disturbance. Secondly, the
design of the actuator could be tailored for the
specific application in which it would be used. The
currently used actuator has its first resonance (the
very efficiently radiating [1,1] mode) at around
125 Hz, which is ideal for control of low frequency
sound sources. The first anti-resonance, however,
appears at around 300 Hz (i.e. the [2,1] mode, which
cannot be controlled with the current design of the
PVDF foils). By varying the structural stiffness of
the actuator in different directions, it could possible
to avoid anti-resonances in the frequency range of
interest. These additional design constraints may
require other carrier structures, e.g. a multilayer
composite structure as in [9].
As a secondary result, the experiments
presented here provide additional information to
answer the question “which of both configurations
(A or B) is most optimal ?” Based upon the
objective figures, configuration B clearly seems to
be the “best” configuration, since a higher control
performance is achieved at the expense of less
control energy. The latter should not sound too
surprising as the passive plate partly reflects the
impinging sound field before it excites the control
actuator which needs less control energy to control
the partly reduced sound field. However, it is
important to note that in this configuration, the best
control performance can only be achieved by using
error microphones located in the receiving room.
For many applications this will be impossible.
Furthermore, in configuration B, the control actuator
is exposed to the receiving room side which is, at
least, undesirable from a durability point of view. In
configuration A, on the other hand, very good
control performance can be achieved by using
accelerometers on the passive plate as error sensors.
Such a configuration is more compact, more robust
against hostile environments, and hence much more
suited for practical application.
The work reported herein was related to the EC
Brite/Euram Research Project “DAFNOR” (under
supported by the Directorate-General for Science;
Research and Development of the CEC. Partners in
this project are : KULeuven (B), FFA (SE), ISVR
(UK), Thomson (F), VTT (FI), CRF (I) and G+H
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