Multiple Benchmark Portfolio Spanning Tests for Small Cap Indexes as Separate Asset Classes and Implication for Strategic Asset Allocation
March 2006
Lorne N. Switzer and Haibo Fan*
ABSTRACT Spanning tests are used to assess the behavior of G7 and Asian country small cap indexes as separate asset classes of efficient portfolios for U.S. investors in multiple benchmarks. Empirical results show that a small cap asset as a separate asset depends on benchmark portfolios and some small cap indexes in developed countries could be a separate asset class. This fact implies that asset allocation should consider the interaction among all assets in a portfolio to avoid over-diversification and should be dynamitic process. Step-down spanning is better than correlation to identify potential assets to diversification and constraints do not necessarily reduce diversification benefits of a new asset. Keywords: international portfolio diversification; small cap indexes; asset allocation; spanning tests. JEL Codes: G32, G34. _____________________________________________________ * Finance Department, Concordia University. Financial support from the SSHRC (grant # 410-2001-0613) to Switzer is gratefully acknowledged. Please address all correspondence to Dr. Lorne N. Switzer, Van Berkom Endowed Chair of Small Cap Equities, Finance Department, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H3G ...