Shrinkage Influence on Tension-Stiffening of Concrete Structures ; Susitraukimo įtaka gelžbetoninių elementų tempiamosios zonos elgsenai









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VILNIUS GEDIMINAS TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Viktor GRIBNIAK SHRINKAGE INFLUENCE ON TENSION-STIFFENING OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES DOCTORAL DISSERTATION TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, CIVIL ENGINEERING (02T) Vilnius 2009 Doctoral dissertation was prepared at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in 2003–2009. The dissertation is defended as an external work. Scientific Consultant Prof Dr Habil Gintaris KAKLAUSKAS (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Technological Sciences, Civil Engineering – 02T). VGTU leidyklos TECHNIKA 1652-M mokslo literat ūros knyga ISBN 978-9955-28-470-3 © VGTU leidykla TECHNIKA, 2009 © Viktor Gribniak, 2009 VILNIAUS GEDIMINO TECHNIKOS UNIVERSITETAS Viktor GRIBNIAK SUSITRAUKIMO ĮTAKA GELŽBETONINI Ų ELEMENT Ų TEMPIAMOSIOS ZONOS ELGSENAI DAKTARO DISERTACIJA TECHNOLOGIJOS MOKSLAI, STATYBOS INŽINERIJA (02T) Vilnius 2009 Disertacija rengta 2003–2009 metais Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitete. Disertacija ginama eksternu. Mokslinis konsultantas prof. habil. dr. Gintaris KAKLAUSKAS (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, technologijos mokslai, statybos inžinerija – 02T).
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Publié le

01 janvier 2009

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Poids de l'ouvrage

12 Mo


Vilnius 2009 Doctoral dissertation was prepared at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in
The dissertation is defended as an external work.
Scientific Consultant
Prof Dr Habil Gintaris KAKLAUSKAS (Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Technological Sciences, Civil Engineering – 02T).

VGTU leidyklos TECHNIKA 1652-M mokslo literat ūros knyga

ISBN 978-9955-28-470-3

© VGTU leidykla TECHNIKA, 2009
© Viktor Gribniak, 2009


Vilnius 2009 Disertacija rengta 2003–2009 metais Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitete.
Disertacija ginama eksternu.
Mokslinis konsultantas
prof. habil. dr. Gintaris KAKLAUSKAS (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos
universitetas, technologijos mokslai, statybos inžinerija – 02T).

Dedicated to my wife Sigita

Due to the use of refined ultimate state theories as well as high strength
concrete and reinforcement, resulting in longer spans and smaller depths, the
serviceability criteria often limits application of modern reinforced concrete
(RC) superstructures. In structural analysis, civil engineers can choose between
traditional design code methods and numerical techniques. In order to choose a
particular calculation method, engineers should be aware of accuracy of differ-
ent techniques. Adequate modelling of RC cracking and, particularly, post-
cracking behaviour, as one of the major sources of nonlinearity, is the most im-
portant and difficult task of deformational analysis. In smeared crack approach
dealing with average cracking and strains, post-cracking effects can be modelled
by a stress-strain tension-stiffening relationship. Most known tension-stiffening
relationships have been derived from test data of shrunk tension or shear mem-
bers. Subsequently, these constitutive laws were applied for modelling of bend-
ing elements which behaviour differs from test members. Furthermore, such re-
lationships were coupled with shrinkage effect. Therefore, present research aims
at developing a technique for deriving a free-of-shrinkage tension-stiffening re-
lationship using test data of shrunk bending RC members. The main objective of
this PhD dissertation is to investigate shrinkage influence on deformations and
tension-stiffening of RC members subjected to short-term loading.
Present study reviews empirical and numerical techniques of deformation
analysis of RC members as well as material models with the emphasis on shrin-
kage and tension-stiffening effects. Experimental investigation results on con-
crete shrinkage effect on cracking resistance, tension-stiffening and short-term
deformations of lightly reinforced beams have been reported.
An innovative numerical procedure has been proposed for deriving free-of-
shrinkage tension-stiffening relationships using moment-curvature relationships
of RC flexural members. The proposed procedure has been applied to the test
data reported by the author. For beams of same reinforcement ratio, it was
shown that tension-stiffening was more pronounced in those with a larger num-
ber of tensile reinforcing bars.
A statistical procedure for checking adequacy of theoretical predictions to
the test data taking into account inconsistency of the data has been developed.
Using this procedure, comparative statistical analyses of various free shrinkage
and deflection/curvature prediction models have been performed.
It was concluded that accuracy of deflection/curvature predictions by design
codes and numerical techniques varied for different ranges of reinforcement ra-
tio and load intensity. Numerical techniques gave more accurate predictions of
short-term deflections when shrinkage effect was taken into account.
Rezium ė
Pastaraisiais metais vis pla čiau taikant stipr ųj į beton ą bei armat ūr ą, konst-
rukcij ų perdengiamos angos did ėja, o skerspj ūviai maž ėja. Tod ėl projektuojant
standumo ( įlinki ų) s ąlyga vis dažniau tampa lemiamu veiksniu. Inžinieriai gelž-
betonini ų konstrukcij ų apskai čiavimams gali taikyti empirinius norm ų arba skai-
tinius metodus. Vieno ar kito skai čiavimo metodo parinkimas turi b ūti pagr įstas
statistiniais tikslumo analiz ės rezultatais.
Yra žinoma, kad adekvatus gelžbetoninio elemento pleiš ėjimo (ypa č plyši ų
vystymosi stadijos) modeliavimas yra vienas sud ėtingiausi ų netiesin ės mechani-
kos uždavini ų. Toks uždavinys gali b ūti išspr ęstas taikant vidutini ų plyši ų kon-
cepciją, kai pleiš ėjimo proceso modeliavimui naudojama tempiamojo betono
vidutini ų įtempi ų ir deformacij ų diagrama. Dauguma tokių diagram ų gautos,
naudojant tempimo arba šlyties bandymo rezultatus. Pabr ėžtina, kad ši ų diagra-
m ų taikymas lenkiam ųj ų gelžbetonini ų element ų modeliavime duoda nemažas
paklaidas. Kitas svarbus aspektas yra tai, kad gelžbetoniniuose bandiniuose, iki
juos apkraunant trumpalaike apkrova, vyksta betono susitraukimas. Šiame darbe
buvo siekiama sukurti metod ą, leidžiant į pagal eksperimentinius lenkiam ųj ų
gelžbetonini ų element ų duomenis gauti tempiamojo betono vidutini ų įtempi ų ir
deformacij ų diagramas, įvertinant betono susitraukimo įtak ą. Pagrindinis diser-
tacijos tikslas yra įvertinti ikieksploatacini ų betono susitraukimo ir valkšnumo
poveik į gelžbetonini ų element ų, apkraut ų trumpalaike apkrova, įtempi ų ir de-
formacijų b ūviui.
Disertacijoje apžvelgti skaitiniai ir analiziniai gelžbetonini ų elementų de-
formacijų skai čiavimo metodai bei aptarti medžiag ų modeliai, akcentuojant be-
tono susitraukimo ir betono bei armat ūros s ąveikos reiškinius. Pasi ūlyta nauja
skaitin ė proced ūra, leidžianti pagal gelžbetonini ų lenkiam ųj ų element ų moment ų
ir kreivi ų priklausomybes gauti tempiamojo betono vidutini ų įtempi ų ir defor-
macij ų diagramas, eliminuojant susitraukimo įtak ą. Atlikti silpnai armuot ų gelž-
betonini ų sij ų, apkraut ų trumpalaike apkrova, eksperimentiniai tyrimai. Iki ap-
krovimo buvo matuotos betono laisvojo susitraukimo bei valkšnumo
deformacijos. Taikant šiuos eksperimentinius duomenis bei pasi ūlyt ąj ą proced ū-
r ą, gautos tempiamojo betono įtempi ų ir deformacij ų diagramos.
Buvo sukurta skai čiavimo metod ų tikslumo analiz ės statistin ė proced ūra,
kuri įvertina eksperimentini ų duomen ų nehomogeniškum ą. Taikant ši ą proced ū-
r ą, atlikta skirtingais skai čiavimo metodais apskai čiuot ų betono laisvojo susi-
traukimo bei gelžbetonini ų element ų įlinki ų/kreivi ų tikslumo analiz ė. Analiz ė
parod ė, kad didžiausi ą įtak ą vis ų metod ų įlinki ų apskai čiavimo tikslumui turi
armavimo koeficientas bei apkrovimo intensyvumas. Skaitini ų metod ų tikslumas
padid ėjo, įvertinus betono susitraukim ą.

A is the area of plain concrete net section; c
A of reinforcement; s
A is the area of tensile reinforcement; s1
A is the area of compressive reinforcement; s2
A C is the aggregate-to-cement ratio;
B is the class of concrete (see page 18) or the beta function (see page 96);
C is the creep parameter (see page 155) or the cement content (see page 157);
C is the centroid of plain concrete net section; c
C is the centroid of reinforced concrete section; RC
dD is the energy corresponding to the area between the loading and unloading
curves, has been dissipated (see page 21);
E is the initial (tangent) modulus of concrete (see page 18); c
E is the secant (deformation) modulus of concrete; c,sec
E is the age-adjusted modulus of concrete (see page 52); ca
E is the secant modulus of concrete (see page 18); cm
E is the secant (deformation) modulus of the i-th layer; i,sec
E aderived at the i-th loading increment and i,k
the k-th iteration (see page 68);
E is the elastic modulus of steel; s
′E , E is the secant (deformation) modulus of steel; s s,sec
EI is the flexural stiffness;
F is the Fisher’s statistics;
G is the specific tensile fracture energy per unit volume; F
G pecific compressive fracture energy per unit volume; F,c
I is the moment of inertia for the fully cracked section at the yielding of rein-cr
I is the moment of inertia o

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