IUSSP Bulletin Bulletin de l'UIESP July 2001 Issue 7 Editorial the forthcoming World Conference Jacques Vallin In this issue in Salvador (Brazil). Vice President / Vice-Président There is no doubt that this Dans ce numéro conference will be a huge success. In The IUSSP On the Move it, we shall be trying out the results Editorial / Editorial of a new, more flexible, open and We have just survived a dangerous situation for the Union. Last year, we attractive design. Some aspects may Meeting Reports 2 were faced with difficult financial have surprised a few, as often Rapports de reunion prospects as well as the necessary happens with change, but I am sure transfer to Paris. After the winter of that with the positive results any Seminar Reports 2 2000-2001, the future looks more remaining doubts will give way to Rapports de séminaire promising. Partly because of recent warm enthusiasm. We have received an incredible number of propositions support from the French Announcements 3 Government, and also due to a more for papers and each day of the nces cost-effective management strategy, conference, there will be a debate in the Union is now in a position to a plenary session which is sure to Call for Papers 7 redeploy its energies towards its add spice to the conference! Appels aux communications scientific activities. Apart from the numerous The new secretariat in Paris is seminars scheduled by the different New Members 8 ...
July 2001 Issue 7 In this issue Dans ce numéro Editorial / Editorial Meeting Reports 2 Rapports de reunion Seminar Reports 2 Rapports de séminair e Announcements 3 Annonces Call for Papers 7 Appels aux communicatio ns New Members 8 Nouveaux members IUSSP Laureate 20 01 8 Lauréat de l’Union 2001 Recent IUSSP Publications 9 Publications récentes de l’UIESP Obituaries 9 Nécrologies Nominations for the 13 next Council Nominations pour le prochain Conseil General Conference 14 Congrès general de l’U nion General Assembly 15 Assemblée générale IUSSP / UIESP 3-5 rue Nicolas F-75980 Paris cedex 20 France +33 1 56 06 22 2+733 1 56 06 22 04 iussp@iussp.org www.iussp.or g Editor: Elizabeth Omoluabi
July 2001 Juillet 2001 IUSSP Bulletin Bulletin de l’UI et l’arrivée de Landis MacKellar, est Chargée de programme • s . “Determinants of diverging trends in mortality, Toujours sur la brèche, elle suit, entre autres choses, le travail June 2002 in Rostock. des commissions scientifiques. Catrin Jones (Royaume Uni) • “Global economic and socio-demographic est Chargée des membres. Pour elle, les ordinateurs n’ont pas the re-emer nce of infectious de mystère. Elle jongle avec les fichiers des membres et elle tdriesenadssea,nJdune2003ingAebidjanoranotherporte le chapeau de Webmaster pour notre site internet African city. L’équipe a récemment été renforcée d’une secrétaire, Delp • hi ne “ New health threats and their demographic Lebugle (France). L’Union continue à recevoir, de Liège, le consequences, March 2004 in New Delhi. concours expérimenté de Pierre Alderson pour la préparation du Congrès de Salvador. Ce prochain congrès sera, je n’en doute pas, une réussit FP e i . or sp O tun l aMtieoentinangdoEfnvtihreonImUeSnStPSciencePanelony expérimentera les fruits d’une conception nouvelle, plus souple, plus ouverte, plus attractive aussi. Certains aspec T t h s e o n IUSSP Science Panel on Population a d pu surprendre, comme tout ce qui change, mais je suis sûr n qu’au vu des résultats l’enthousiasme l’emportera. D’or IE e nn s t vei e rr t do inscmipelnintahryeldDeitmsofigrrsatphmieceItinnstgituatteth(eNIDNIe)thinerlTahneddéjà nous avons reçu un nombre record de propositions de communications et puis, chaque jour, il y aura un grand d H é a b g a u t e on 16 July. The goal of the Panel is to prepare en séance plénière qui ne manquera sûrement s p ci a e s n tific state-of-the-art assessment about the role a d’ambiance ! incorporation of the population focus in sustainabl development and to build a substantive bridge betwee Nous venons aussi de mettre en chantier une confér t e h n e c e R io and Cairo processes. régionale sur le Sud-Est asiatique, sans parler des nomb reux séminaires programmés par les commissions. L’Union est T h bi e e n P anel is organised by IUSSP, the International repartie, sur de bons rails. Et, puisque l’année 2001 sera In a s u t s it si u te for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), and the celle de l’élection d’un nouveau Conseil, je suis d’ores et U n d i é t j e à d Nations University (UNU). Funding has been sûr que ce nouveau Conseil sera en mesure de prendre à r e p c a e r i t v ir e d from UNFPA, the Government of Austria, and de 2002 de nouvelles initiatives en s’appuyant sur t u h n e e MacArthur Foundation. structure en bon état de marche. The Panel is under the joint patronage of Maurice Stron and Nafis Sadik and consists of 20-25 distinguishe scientists from different relevant disciplines. The Panel Meeting Reports mode of operation will follow the example of a US-NAS Panel with the following differences: It will have a truly international basis, will be interdisciplinary, and aims a First Meeting of the IUSSP Committee on producing direct substantive input to the Johannesbur Emerging Health Threats (CEHT) 2002 summit. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Rostock, Germany 10-11 November 2000 Present at the meeting Seminar Reports Mari Bhat (University of Delhi, India), Michel Caraël (UNAIDS, Switzerland), France Meslé (INED, France), IUSSP Seminar on Low Fertilit y Tokyo, Japan, 21 Vladimir Shkolnikov (Chair of the Committee, MPIDR, 23 March 2001 Germany), Ian Timaeus (LSHTM, UK), Tapani Valkonen (University of Helsinki, Finland) The seminar “International Perspectives on Low Fertility: Trends, Theories and Policies was organise Unable to attend by the IUSSP Working Group on Low Fertility in Basilie Oleko Tambashe (International Health and collaboration with the National Institute of Population Development, Côte d'Ivoire) and Social Security Research (Japan). Papers were presented on the following subjects: At this meeting the work programme of the CEHT was • Applied demographic methodologies to cross-decided upon. In 2001-2004 the CEHT will organise a national comparisons of low fertility; session on emerging health threats at the General IUSSP • Low fertility in particular national or regional Conference in Brazil (August 2001) and three workshops settings; namely: 2