- 1 - TRAFIC ET PART MODALE DE LA VOIE D’EAU DANS LE TRANSPORT DE CONTENEURS EN EUROPE English version available at www.aftm.org Jean Marc Deplaix, Professeur à l'Ecole Supérieure des Transports de Paris, France jm.deplaix@free.fr RESUME Most of IWT carriage of containers in Europe, reaching 4.6 MTEUs in 2005, is linked to sea containers, passing through seaports. It mostly takes place over the Rhine, which is separated, for statistical purposes, in two parts, the "Conventional Rhine", upstream from the German-Dutch border, and the Mouths of the Rhine, or Delta. The Delta traffic, above 2.3 MTEUs, is noted for its short average lead, far shorter than is suggested by conventional Economics, and a proof of IWT capacity to respond to clients needs. Over the Conventional Rhine run traffic to and fro Germany, France and Switzerland, plus some German domestic traffic. It totals more than 1.9 MTEUs. Finally, French non-Rhine traffic (0.2 MTEUs) has for the first time overtaken German non-Rhine traffic, showing remarkable dynamism (+38%). A detailed study for the year 2002 shows the modal share of IWT in the Rhine Corridor to be more than 50%, even more than 2/3 for Germany. It is obviously not a small player. Regarding the future, there all prospects that traffic in 2010 might reach 7 MTEUs. L’activité du transport fluvial de conteneurs en Europe, qui a dépassé en 2005 4,6 millions d’EVP, est très fortement liée à l’acheminement des conteneurs ...