Etude comparative de la perception d’ambiances lumineuses en milieu réel et en milieu virtuel - Références








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Références Bibliographiques Association Française de l’Eclairage (1993). Recommandations relatives à l’éclairage intérieur des lieux de travail. AFE, 1997, 88 p. (1997). Eclairage et travail sur écrans de visualisation. AFE, deuxième édition, 1997. Baron, R. A. (1994). The physical environment of work settings: effects on task performance, interpersonnal relations, and job satisfaction. IN: Research in organizational behavior: an annual series of analytical essays and critical reviews. C. L. L. Staw B.M. Eds. London, Jai press inc.,16: 1-46. Baron, R.A. (1990) Environmentally-induced positive affect: Its impact on self-efficacy, task performance, negotiation, and conflict. Journal of applied social psychology, 20, 368-384. Baron, R.A., Fortin, S.P., Frei, R.L., Hauver, L.A., Shack, M.L. (1990). Reducing organizational conflict: The potential role of socially-induced positive affect. International journal of conflict management, 1, 133-152. Begemann, S. H. A., Aarts M. P. J., et al. (1994). Daylight, artificial light and people, part I. IN: Proc of the 39th National Convention of the Illuminating Engineering Society 1994, Australie, Sydney. Begemann, S. H. A., Van Den Beld G. J., et al. (1995). Daylight, artificial light and people, part II. IN: Proc of the CIE 23rd session, New Delhi. Bell, P.A. and Baron, R.A. (1991). The role of affect on aggression and conflict. In Affect and social behaviour. ...
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Références Bibliographiques Association Française de l’Eclairage(1993). Recommandationsrelatives à l’éclairage intérieur des lieux de travail. AFE, 1997, 88 p. Association Française de l’Eclairage(1997). Eclairageet travail sur écrans de visualisation. AFE, deuxième édition, 1997. Baron, R. A. (1994). The physical environment of work settings: effects on task performance, interpersonnal relations, and job satisfaction.IN: Researchin organizational behavior: an annual series of analytical essays and critical reviews. C. L. L. Staw B.M. Eds. London, Jai press inc.,16:1-46. Baron, R.A. (1990) Environmentally-induced positive affect: Its impact on self-efficacy, task performance, negotiation, and conflict. Journal of applied social psychology,20, 368-384. Baron, R.A., Fortin, S.P., Frei, R.L., Hauver, L.A., Shack, M.L. (1990). Reducing organizational conflict: The potential role of socially-induced positive affect. International journal of conflict management,1, 133-152. Begemann, S. H. A., Aarts M. P. J., et al. (1994). Daylight, artificial light and people, part I.IN:of the 39th National Convention of the Illuminating Engineering Society Proc 1994, Australie, Sydney. Begemann, S. H. A., Van Den Beld G. J., et al. (1995). Daylight, artificial light and people, part II.IN:Proc of the CIE 23rd session, New Delhi. Bell, P.A. and Baron, R.A. (1991). The role of affect on aggression and conflict. In Affect and social behaviour. Isen, A. and Moore, B. (eds). New York : Springer : 64-88. Bell, P.A., Fisher, J.D., Baum, A., Greene, T.E. (1990). Environmental psychology. Forth rd Worth, TX: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 3ed. Bennett, C.A. (1986). Lighting, Comfort and performance in the workplace. Lighting Design and Application,16(8): 40-44. Bernecker, C. (1987).Cité dans: Weinhold, V. B. (1994). Investigating effects of lighting on impressions of rooms using computer models.IN: Procof the Annual Conference of
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