Estimation et expression de la ressemblance et de la différence entre pairs - article ; n°4 ; vol.86, pg 527-550









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L'année psychologique - Année 1986 - Volume 86 - Numéro 4 - Pages 527-550
Summary : Evaluation and expression of similarities and differences between peers.
After having specified the names of the two classmates they knew the best, 170 boys and girls, aged 17 to 22, were asked both to compare themselves to each of these two classmates, and to compare the two classmates to each other, stating differences as well as similarities. In each case the subject was to make the comparisons : a) by giving an overall estimation of the degree of similarity (graded on a scale) ; and b) by freely expressing « whatever cornes to your mind » in the way of similarities and differences between the persons being considered.
For each situation, three experimental groups were defined according to the reference point proposed for the comparison. For example, when the subjects were to compare themselves to person P, the question was either « What makes you different from person P ? » (the other person being the comparison reference point), or « what makes person P different from you ? » (the subject himself is the reference point), or « What makes you and the other person different from each other ? » (no specified reference point).
The quantitative analysis of the results showed in particular that :
— subjects are more sensitive to differences between people than they are to their similarities ;
¦— positivity towards others is an important factor in the assertion of similarities and differences, and can go as far as to reverse the usual effects of categorical differentiation ; — specifying a reference point affects the perception of similarities and differences when the subject himselfis one of the persons being compared. In particular, self-reference increases the degree of similarity perceived, and the expression of resemblances ; and decreases the expression of differences. The results are the exact opposite when the other person is the reference point.
The qualitative analysis of the free descriptions made by the subjects divided their responses into three main categories : personality or behavioral aspects; opinions, tastes and aspirations; and objective factual characteristics.
Results indicate that personality and behavioral aspects almost always oppose opinions, tastes, and aspirations. The former appear in particular to be more essential to the feeling of personal identity than the latter. For example, although subjects most often express their differences from others in terms of the way they are and they act, they most often express similarities between people in terms of ways of thinking and judging.
And lastly, regardless of the category of characteristics used, the lack of an explicit referent in comparisons involving the subject produces effects similar to those produced by self-referenced comparisons, effects which are generally the reversal of those produced during reference to others. This may be interpreted as a cue to a spontaneous self-centering schema, some of whose effects are brought out in this article.
Key Words : interpersonal comparison, reference point, personal identity, self-centering schema.
Ayant indiqué les noms des deux camarades de leur classe qu'ils connaissaient le mieux, 170 garçons et filles de 17 à 22 ans devaient, d'une part, se comparer eux-mêmes à chacune de ces deux personnes, et d'autre part comparer ces personnes entre elles, à la fois du point de vue de leurs différences et de leurs ressemblances. Dans chaque cas, les comparaisons étaient effectuées : a) par une estimation globale du degré de similitude (note sur une échelle) ; et b) par l'expression libre, de la part des sujets, de « toutes les idées leur venant à l'esprit » concernant les ressemblances et les différences entre les personnes considérées.
Dans chaque situation, trois groupes expérimentaux étaient constitués selon le point de référence proposé pour la comparaison. Par exemple, dans les situations où les sujets avaient à effectuer une comparaison entre eux-mêmes et une personne P, la question pouvait être du type : « Qu'est-ce qui vous distingue de P ? » (l'autre personne P étant alors le point de référence de la comparaison) ; ou bien : « Qu'est-ce qui distingue P de vous- même ? » (le sujet étant alors lui-même le point de référence de la comparaison) ; ou bien encore : « Qu'est-ce qui vous distingue l'un de l'autre » ? (comparaison sans réfèrent spécifié).
Les résultats sont analysés quantitativement et qualitativement selon trois perspectives : la sensibilité relative des sujets à la différence et à la similitude interpersonnelle ; les effets de l'implication des sujets dans la situation et l'importance du point de référence de la comparaison.
Mots clés : Comparaison interpersonnelle, point de référence, identité personnelle, schème d'autocenlration.
24 pages
Source : Persée ; Ministère de la jeunesse, de l’éducation nationale et de la recherche, Direction de l’enseignement supérieur, Sous-direction des bibliothèques et de la documentation.
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01 janvier 1986

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Jean-Paul Codol
Estimation et expression de la ressemblance et de la différence
entre pairs
In: L'année psychologique. 1986 vol. 86, n°4. pp. 527-550.
Citer ce document / Cite this document :
Codol Jean-Paul. Estimation et expression de la ressemblance et de la différence entre pairs. In: L'année psychologique. 1986
vol. 86, n°4. pp. 527-550.
doi : 10.3406/psy.1986.29169
Summary : Evaluation and expression of similarities and differences between peers.
After having specified the names of the two classmates they knew the best, 170 boys and girls, aged 17
to 22, were asked both to compare themselves to each of these two classmates, and to compare the
two classmates to each other, stating differences as well as similarities. In each case the subject was to
make the comparisons : a) by giving an overall estimation of the degree of similarity (graded on a scale)
; and b) by freely expressing « whatever cornes to your mind » in the way of similarities and differences
between the persons being considered.
For each situation, three experimental groups were defined according to the reference point proposed
for the comparison. For example, when the subjects were to compare themselves to person P, the
question was either « What makes you different from person P ? » (the other person being the
comparison reference point), or « what makes person P different from you ? » (the subject himself is the
reference point), or « What makes you and the other person different from each other ? » (no specified point).
The quantitative analysis of the results showed in particular that :
— subjects are more sensitive to differences between people than they are to their similarities ;
¦— positivity towards others is an important factor in the assertion of similarities and differences, and
can go as far as to reverse the usual effects of categorical differentiation ; — specifying a reference
point affects the perception of similarities and differences when the subject himselfis one of the persons
being compared. In particular, self-reference increases the degree of similarity perceived, and the
expression of resemblances ; and decreases the expression of differences. The results are the exact
opposite when the other person is the reference point.
The qualitative analysis of the free descriptions made by the subjects divided their responses into three
main categories : personality or behavioral aspects; opinions, tastes and aspirations; and objective
factual characteristics.
Results indicate that personality and behavioral aspects almost always oppose opinions, tastes, and
aspirations. The former appear in particular to be more essential to the feeling of personal identity than
the latter. For example, although subjects most often express their differences from others in terms of
the way they are and they act, they most often express similarities between people in terms of ways of
thinking and judging.
And lastly, regardless of the category of characteristics used, the lack of an explicit referent in
comparisons involving the subject produces effects similar to those produced by self-referenced
comparisons, effects which are generally the reversal of those produced during reference to others. This
may be interpreted as a cue to a spontaneous self-centering schema, some of whose effects are
brought out in this article.
Key Words : interpersonal comparison, reference point, personal identity, self-centering schema.
Ayant indiqué les noms des deux camarades de leur classe qu'ils connaissaient le mieux, 170 garçons
et filles de 17 à 22 ans devaient, d'une part, se comparer eux-mêmes à chacune de ces deux
personnes, et d'autre part comparer ces personnes entre elles, à la fois du point de vue de leurs
différences et de leurs ressemblances. Dans chaque cas, les comparaisons étaient effectuées : a) par
une estimation globale du degré de similitude (note sur une échelle) ; et b) par l'expression libre, de la
part des sujets, de « toutes les idées leur venant à l'esprit » concernant les ressemblances et les
différences entre les personnes considérées.
Dans chaque situation, trois groupes expérimentaux étaient constitués selon le point de référence
proposé pour la comparaison. Par exemple, dans les situations où les sujets avaient à effectuer une
comparaison entre eux-mêmes et une personne P, la question pouvait être du type : « Qu'est-ce qui
vous distingue de P ? » (l'autre personne P étant alors le point de référence de la comparaison) ; ou
bien : « Qu'est-ce qui distingue P de vous- même ? » (le sujet étant alors lui-même le point de référence
de la comparaison) ; ou bien encore : « Qu'est-ce qui vous distingue l'un de l'autre » ? (comparaison
sans réfèrent spécifié).
Les résultats sont analysés quantitativement et qualitativement selon trois perspectives : la sensibilitérelative des sujets à la différence et à la similitude interpersonnelle ; les effets de l'implication des sujets
dans la situation et l'importance du point de référence de la comparaison.
Mots clés : Comparaison interpersonnelle, point de référence, identité personnelle, schème
d'autocenlration.L'Année Psychologique, 1986, 86, 527-550
Centre de Recherches en Psychologie cognitive
associé au CNRS
Université de Provence1
par Jean-Paul Godol
SUMMARY : Evaluation and expression of similarities and differences
between veer*.
After navmg specified the names of the two classmates they knew the
best, 170 boys and girls, aged 17 to 22, were asked both to compare thems
elves to each of these two classmates, and to compare the two classmates
to each other, stating differences as well as similarities. In each case the
subject was to make the comparisons : a) by giving an overall estimation
of the degree of similarity (graded on a scale) ; and b) by freely expressing
« whatever comes to your mind » in the way of similarities and differences
between the persons being considered.
For each situation, three experimental groups were defined according
to the reference point proposed for the comparison. For example, when
the subjects were to compare themselves to person P, the question was either
« What makes you different from person P ? » (the other person being the
comparison reference point), or « what makes person P different from you ? »
(the subject himself is the reference point), or « What makes you and the
other person different from each other ? » (no specified reference point).
The quantitative analysis of the results showed in particular that :
— subjects are more sensitive to differences between people than they are
to their similarities ;
■ — positivity towards others is an important factor in the assertion of
similarities and differences, and can go as far as to reverse the usual
effects of categorical differentiation ;
1. 29, avenue R. Schuman, 13621 Aix-en-Provence. 528 J.-P. Codol
— specifying a reference point affects the perception of similarities and
differences when the subject himself is one of the persons being compared.
In particular, self- reference increases the degree of similarity perceived,
and the expression of resemblances ; and decreases the expression of
differences. The results are the exact opposite when the other person
is the reference point.
The qualitative analysis of the free descriptions made by the subjects
divided their responses into three main categories : personality or beha
vioral aspects; opinions, tastes and aspirations ; and objective factual
Results indicate that personality and behavioral aspects almost always
oppose opinions, tastes, and aspirations. The former appear in particular
to be more essential to the feeling of personal identity than the latter. For
example, although subjects most often express their differences from others
in terms of the way they are and they act, they most often express similarities
between people in terms of ways of thinking and judging.
And lastly, regardless of the category of characteristics used, the lack
of an explicit referent in comparisons involving the subject produces
effects similar to those produced by Self-referenced comparisons, effects
which are generally the reversal of those produced during reference to
others. This may be interpreted as a cue to a spontaneous self-centering
schema, some of whose effects are brought out in this article.
Key Words : interpersonal comparison, reference point, personal
identity, self-centering schema.
1. La perception des relations de similitude et de différence
entre les personnes a une longue histoire en psychologie sociale,
où elles ont le plus souvent été envisagées dans leurs rapports

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