A Continuous State Space Approachto “Convergence by Parts”‡Paul A. JohnsonDepartment of EconomicsVassar CollegePoughkeepsie NY 12604April 2004Using a continuous state space approach, this note extends Feyrer's[2003] study of the proximate determinants of the shape of the long-rundistribution of income per capita. Contrary to Feyrer's finding of theprimacy of TFP, the results here imply that traps in both TFP growth andcapital accumulation may matter.JEL Classification: O40, O57Keywords: twin peaks, convergence club, discretisation, development accounting‡Department of Economics, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie NY 12604-0708. Email:pajohnson@vassar.edu. Telephone: 845-437-7395. Fax: 845-437-7576. This note waswritten while I was an Honorary Fellow in the Department of Economics, University ofWisconsin, Madison. Their hospitality is gratefully acknowledged. I thank StevenDurlauf, Christopher Kilby, Jens Krueger, Joy Lei, Grazia Pittau and an anonymousreferee for comments on an earlier draft. I am obliged to James Feyrer for graciouslyallowing me to use his data. All errors are mine.1. Introduction The “development accounting” literature attempts to discover, and in some casesexplain, the contributions of differences in inputs and technology to cross-country1differences in output per capita. For example, Klenow and Rodríguez-Clare [1997]challenge the “neoclassical revival” begun by Mankiw, Romer, and Weil [1992] with thefinding that ...