Discretionary Policy, Strategic Complementarity and Tax Evasion. A Strategic Analysis of the 1Italian Audit Mechanism 2Bruno Chiarini Università di Napoli Parthenope March 2010 Abstract Underlying this work is the idea that there is a problem of strategic complementarity of individuals who choose to evade, which results from the discretionary policies of governments and the strategic implications of the Studi di Settore (Sector Studies), the mechanism used in Italy to evaluate the income (in reality, the turnover) of some professional categories and small firms. In the Italian case, policy discretion and the Sector Studies lead to a failure of the coordination mechanism of taxpayers and confer a strong advantage for the coordination mechanism of tax evaders. The outcome is a coordination failure where individuals converge to the least efficient equilibrium from a social perspective. Keywords: Tax Evasion; Tax Compliance; Audit Selection Mechanism; Complementarity. JEL Classification: H26; C72. 1 I would like to thank Alessandro Santoro and Elisabetta Marzano for criticisms and suggestions and Stefano Pisani of the Revenue Agency for his comments on the audit mechanism known as Studi di Settore. Additionally, I would like to thank Mauro Maré and Ernesto Longobardi for comments on an early draft of this paper. 2 Bruno Chiarini, Department of Economic Studies, ...