MATH202 Introduction to Analysis (2007 Fall and 2800 Spring) Tutorial Note #10 Midterm Review (Real Number) Recall the two main theorems Theorem 1: (Supremum Limit Theorem) c is upper bound of S csupS Ther exist sw S,such tha tlimw c Theorem 2: (Infimum Limit Theorem) c is lowe rbound of S cinf STher exist sw S,such tha tlimw c Example 1 Compute the supremum and infimum of the set Sx 2y:x$%1,1',y$%2,5' Solution: (Step 1) First, sin%ce1 )*)1 and %2)+)5, thus we have $ '%5%1 2$%2')* 2+)1 25 11 So the upper bound and lower bound are 11 asnpde c-t5iv erely. (Step 2) To show supS11 (This maximum is obtained whexn 1 and y5) We construct ourw x 2y , ,Pick x 1% and y 5% , (notex $0,1' and y $%2,5)' , , 0Hence w 1% 2.5% /11% S and lim 1 11 2 Therefore by supremum limit theorem, we sgeupt S11 To show infS% 5(This minimum is obtained whexn %1 and y%2) , , $ 'Pick x 3%1 and y3%2 , (notex 3 0,1 and y3$%2,5)' , , 0So w 3%1 2.%2 /%5 S and lim 1 3%5 2 By infimum limit theorem, we gientf S% 5 Example 2 Find the supreme and infimum of the set 5 0S3x %y:x 6%2,37,y$0,3' 5 0 0(Step 1) Note th0at 8x 89 and 0)y )3 27 Hence 5 0 0%273 $0'%27)3x %y )3$9'%$0' 27 So the upper bound and lower bound are 27% a2n7d respectively 5(Step 2) To shows upS27 (It is obtained whexn 9x3 and y0) ,Pick x 3 and y (then x 6%2,37 and y $0,3') ...