KriSp: An R Package for Covariance Tapered Krigingof Large Datasets Using Sparse Matrix TechniquesReinhard FurrerMCS-06-06 October 2006Department of Mathematical and Computer SciencesColorado School of MinesGolden, CO 80401-1887, USAPhone: (303) 273-3860Fax: (303) 273-3875Email: rfurrer@mines.eduKriSp:An R Package for Covariance Tapered Krigingof Large Datasets Using Sparse Matrix TechniquesReinhard FurrerMathematical and Computer Sciences DepartmentColorado School of MinesGolden, CO, 80401rfurrer@mines.eduDecember 18, 20061 Introduction 22 Getting Started 23 Included Spatial Models 34 Illustration of The Tapering Technique 95 Computational Issues 156 Outlook 177 Disclaimer 18Acknowledgments 18References 18Appendix 19Index 3711 IntroductionInterpolation of a spatially correlated random process is used in many scientific areas.The best unbiased linear predictor (BLUP), often called kriging predictor in geostatistics,requires the solution of a linear system based on the (estimated) covariance matrix of theobservations. Frequently, the most interesting spatial problems involve large datasets andtheir analysis overwhelms traditional implementations of spatial statistics. Furrer et al.(2006) show that tapering the correct covariance matrix with an appropriate compactlysupported covariance function reduces the computational burden significantly and stillresults in an asymptotic optimal mean squared error. The effect of tapering is to create ...