spam: A Sparse Matrix R Packagewith Emphasis on MCMC Methodsfor Gaussian Markov Random FieldsReinhard Furrer Stephan R. SainMathematical and Computer Sciences Geophysical Statistics ProjectColorado School of Mines National Center for Atmospheric ResearchGolden, Colorado Boulder, ColoradoMCS-08-05 June 2008Department of Mathematical and Computer SciencesColorado School of MinesGolden, CO 80401-1887, USAPhone: (303) 273-3860Fax: (303) 273-3875Email: rfurrer@mines.eduspam: A Sparse Matrix R Packagewith Emphasis on MCMC Methodsfor Gaussian Markov Random FieldsReinhard Furrer Stephan R. SainMathematical and Computer Sciences Geophysical Statistics ProjectColorado School of Mines National Center for Atmospheric ResearchGolden, Colorado Boulder, ssain@ucar.eduspam is an R package for sparse matrix algebra with emphasis on a Cholesky factorization of sparse positive definitematrices. The implemantation of spam is based on the competing philosophical maxims to be competitively fastcompared to existing tools and to be easy to use, modify and extend. The first is addressed by using fast Fortranroutines and the second by assuring S4 and S3 compatibility. One of the features of spam is to exploit the algorithmicsteps of the Cholesky factorization and hence to perform only a fraction of the workload when factorizing matriceswith the same sparseness structure. Simulations show that exploiting this break-down of the factorization ...