McMaster UniversitySolutions for Tutorial 3Modelling of Non-Linear Systems3.1 Isothermal CSTR: The chemical reactor shown in textbook Figure 3.1 andrepeated in the following is considered in this question. The reaction occurring in thereactor is0.5A → Br = -kCA AThe following assumptions are appropriate for the system.(i) the reactor is well mixed,(ii) th isothermal,(iii) density of the liquid in the reactor is constant,(iv) flow rates are constant, and(v) reactor volume is constant.a. Formulate the model for the dynamic response of the concentration of A in thereactor, C (t).Ab. Linearize the equation(s) in (a).c. Solve the linearized equation analytically for a step change in the inletconcentration of A, ∆C .A0d. Sketch the dynamic behavior of C (t).Ae. Discuss how you would evaluate the accuracy of the linearized model.Goal → Variable System→ Balance → DOF → Linear? (or constitutive equation)Again, we apply the standard modelling approach, with a check for linearity.a. Goal: Determine composition of A as a function of time.Variable: C in the reactorASystem: The liquid in the reactor.Balance: Component balance on A.Accumulation = in - out + generation0.5(1) MW()VC | −VC | = MW ∆t(FC − FC − VkC )A A t+∆t A t A A0 A A01/02/01 Copyright © 2000 by Marlin and Yip 1McMaster UniversityDivide by delta time and take the limit to obtaindCA 0.5(2) V = F(C − FC ) − VkCA0 A AdtAre we done? Let’s check the degrees of freedom.DOF = ...