Chapter 3 Transmission Electron MicroscopyWhen electrons are accelerated up to high energy levels (few hundreds keV) and focusedon a material, they can scatter or backscatter elastically or inelastically, or produce manyinteractions, source of different signals such as X-rays, Auger electrons or light (Fig. 3.1).Some of them are used in transmission electron microscopy (TEM).electron incident beamX-raysbackscattered electronsAuger electronslightabsorbed electronsincoherent elasticscattered electronsincoherent inelasticcoherent elasticscattered electronsscattered electronsdirect beamFig. 3.1 Interactions between electrons and material The purpose of this chapter is to introduce TEM and the different related techniques usedfor the microstructural study of the AMCs. The TEM sample preparation of AMCs is describedin chapter 3.2. The chemical analyses by energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) is presented inchapter 3.3. Chapter 3.4 is concerned with the theoretical basis of TEM (diffusion anddiffraction). Chapter 3.5 deals with the contrast image formation in a conventional TEM(bright/dark field modes, and diffraction patterns). A brief presentation of high resolutiontransmission electron microscopy (HREM) with an introduction to electron crystallography isgiven in chapters 3.6 and 3.7. 213. Transmission Electron ...