Testing with the TestersWhat can we learn from an \audit study"?Journees Louis-Andre Gerard-Varet #8Romain Aeberhardt Denis FougereJulien Pouget Roland RathelotCREST-INSEE15 juin 2009Aeberhardt, Fougere, Pouget and Rathelot () Testing 15 juin 2009 1 / 28Plan1 Introduction2 The data3 Usual statistics { linear, parametric framework4 Conditional logit { non-linear, parametric framework5 Semi-parametric framework (NEW)6 Real interaction with the employer, statistical discriminationAeberhardt, Fougere, Pouget and Rathelot () Testing 15 juin 2009 2 / 28IntroductionPlan1 Introduction2 The data3 Usual statistics { linear, parametric framework4 Conditional logit { non-linear, parametric framework5 Semi-parametric framework (NEW)6 Real interaction with the employer, statistical discriminationAeberhardt, Fougere, Pouget and Rathelot () Testing 15 juin 2009 3 / 28Introduction2 main types of studies to measure discriminationDiscrimination on the labor market arises whenever an employer treatsdi erently, on average, individuals whose productive characteristics areequal but whose non productive characteristics such as gender or racedi er.Methods a la Blinder-Oaxaca: decomposition of a gap between anexplained part and an unexplained part.the unexplained part is not necessarily discrimination.Controlled experiments: \audit studies" / \testing"\C teris paribus ": \testers" are matched to be similarWith 2 \testers" (or more) for each job o er, it ...