GEO-SLOPE International Ltd, Calgary, Alberta, Canada An Introductory SIGMA/W Example 1 Introduction This is a fairly simple introductory example. The primary purpose is to demonstrate to new SIGMA/W users how to get started, to introduce the usual type of data required to do a SIGMA/W analysis, and to illustrate what can be done with SIGMA/W. The problem is quite simple, so that it can be analyzed with the GeoStudio Student Edition. This problem is about computing the stress changes in the ground beneath a round tank filled with a fluid. 2 Problem configuration and description When studying a problem that is symmetric about a vertical axis, the three-dimensional effects can be analyzed with a two-dimensional finite element mesh, as illustrated by the following sketch. A special axisymmetric formulation in SIGMA/W for this case considers the stresses in the X-Y plane as well as the circumferential stresses. This view is selected with the Set Units and Scale command. Figure 1shows the corresponding SIGMA/W problem setup. The diameter of the tank is 5 m and the applied pressure is 40 kPa. The soil region is 38 m wide and 25 m high. The upper 5 m of soil has different properties than the underlying 20 m. SIGMA/W Example File: SIGMA Tutorial.doc (pdf) (gsz) Page 1 of 7 GEO-SLOPE International Ltd, Calgary, Alberta, Canada File Name: SIGMA Tutorial.gszTankRound tank - 40 kPa pressure2624Upper ...