Computational Grand Challenges in Assembling the Tree of Life:Problems & Solutions∗David A. Bader Usman RoshanUniversity of New Mexico New Jersey Institute of TechnologyElectrical & Computer Engineering Department Computer Science DepartmentAlbuquerque, NM 87131 USA Newark, NJ 07102†Alexandros StamatakisFoundation for Research and Technology-HellasInstitute of Computer ScienceHeraklion, GR 71110 Greecestamatak@ics.forth.grApril 21, 2005Audience: 40% Introductory, 40% Intermediate, 20% AdvancedAbstractThe computation of ever larger as well as more accurate phylogenetic (evolutionary) trees with theultimate goal to compute the tree of life represents one of the grand challenges in High PerformanceComputing (HPC) Bioinformatics.Unfortunately, the size of trees which can be computed in reasonable time based on elaborate evo-lutionary models is limited by the severe computational cost inherent to these methods. There existtwo orthogonal research directions to overcome this challenging computational burden: First, the de-velopment of novel, faster, and more accurate heuristic algorithms and second, the application of highperformance computing techniques.The goal of this tutorial is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the field of computationalevolutionary biology to an audience with computing background, interested in participating in researchand/or commercial applications of this field. Moreover, we will ...