Encyclopedia of Machine Learning Chapter No: 00338 Page Proof Page 1 22-4-2010 #1Rdecision making. With burgeoning consumerism buoRecommenderSystemsyed by the emergence of the web, buyers are being presented with an increasing range of choices while sellersP€ M€ !" €, V"#$% S"&'()$&"are being faced with the challenge of personalizing theirMachine Learning,advertising eorts. In parallel, it has become commonIBM T. J. Watson Research Center,for enterprises to collect large volumes of transactionalRoute /P.O. Box ,data that allows for deeper analysis of how a customer Kitchawan Rd,base interacts with the space of product o0erings. RecYorktown Heights,ommender systems have evolved to fulll the naturalNY , USAdual need of buyers and sellers by automating the generation of recommendations based on data analysis.Definition e term “collaborative +ltering” was introduced ine goal of a recommender system is to generate mean the context of the +rst commercial recommender sysingful recommendations to a collection of users for tem, called Tapestry (Goldberg, Nichols, Oki, & Terry,items or products that might interest them. Sugges ), which was designed to recommend documentstions for books on Amazon, or movies on Netx, drawn from newsgroups to a collection of users. eare realorld examples of the operation of industry motivation was to leverage social collaboration in orderstrength recommender systems. e design of such to prevent users ...