Prediction of Partitioning in Location-aware Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksBratislavMilic,NikolaMilanovic,MiroslawMalekHumboldtUniversit˜atzuBerlinfmilic,milanovi, tervalswhenanodecannotcommunicatewithallothernodes in the network, but only with the nodes from itspartition.We propose an algorithm for detection of partition-Partitioningcausesseriousproblemsinthenetwork:inginlocation-awaremobileadhocnetworks.Theparti-nodes from difierent partitions cannot communicatetioning occurs when movement pattern of nodes is suchwitheachother,reducingqualityofallservicesthenet-thattheyseparateintogroupsthatcannotcommunicatework ofiers, or making services unavailable. If a den-witheachother.Weuseinformationaboutnodepositionsity of nodes in the observed area is low, it is possi-and speed in order to build a model that is able to pre-ble that network will never regain its full connectivity.dict when partitioning will occur and which link is crit-The worst case is that a network can go through a se-ical using properties of planar graphs that represent theries of partitioning ending up as a unconnected groupnetwork. Our algorithm is distributed and uses only lo-of one-node subnets.caltopologyknowledgewherenodeskeeptrackofpositionSeveral reasons can cause network partitioning -andspeedoftheirone-hopneighbors.shutdown of a device, node movement, physical de-struction of a node, energy source depletion. Our goalIndexed terms: mobile ad hoc ...