Partitioning graphs into connected parts1;y 1;y 2;zPim van ’t Hof , Daniel Paulusma and Gerhard J. Woeginger1Department of Computer Science, University of Durham,Science Laboratories, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, England.fpim.vanthof, of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology,P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands.gwoegi@win.tue.nlAbstract. The 2-Disjoint Connected Subgraphs problem asks if agiven graph has two vertex-disjoint connected subgraphs containing pre-speci ed sets of vertices. We show that this problem is NP-complete evenif one of the sets has cardinality 2. The Longest Path Contractibil-ity problem asks for the largest integer ‘ for which an input graph canbe contracted to the path P on ‘ vertices. We show that the compu-‘tational complexity of the Longest Path Contractibility problemrestricted to P -free graphs jumps from being polynomially solvable to‘being NP-hard at ‘ = 6, while this jump occurs at ‘ = 5 for the 2-Disjoint Connected Subgraphs problem. We also present an exactalgorithm that solves the 2-Disjoint Connected Subgraphs problem nfaster thanO (2 ) for anyn-vertexP -free graph. For ‘ = 6, its running‘ ntime isO (1:5790 ). We modify this algorithm to solve the Longest nPathContractibility problem forP -free graphs inO (1:5790 ) time.61 IntroductionThere are several natural and elementary algorithmic problems that check if thestructure of ...