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On the Presence of
Polychlorinated Organic Compounds
in the Liao River and Yangtse River
in Eastern China
Pilot-sampling campaign - Final report
Edited by
B. M. Gawlik3, B. Platzer" and H. Muntau
'Environment Institute, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Italy)
Institute for Analytical Chemistry, Micro and Radiochemistry, Technical University, Graz (Austria)
On the Presence of
Polychlorinated Organic Compounds
in the Liao River and Yangtse River
in Eastern China
Pilot-sampling campaign - Final report
Edited by
B. M. Gawlika, B. Platzer" and H. Muntau
'Environment Institute, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Italy)
'Institute for Analytical Chemistry, Micro- and Radiochemistry, Technical University, Graz (Austria)
EMviRONierr Μίπτυπ TUTl
Neither the European Commission nor any person
acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which
might be made of the following information.
EUR 18702 EN
© European Communities, 1999
Printed in Italy Index
1. Polychlorinated hydrocarbons in parts of two Chinese rivers (Yangtse 1
and Liao-He) - background of an INCO-DC project.
B. M. Gawlik and Β. Platzer
2. The pilot-sampling campaign - Technical aspects of sampling and sample 7
B. M. Gawlik, X. Jiang, C. Sun, X. Quan, J. Chen, B. Platzer
3. Standard operation procedures for the determination of chlorinated 21,
hydrocarbons in sediments, suspended solids and surface waters
D. Martens, K.-W. Schramm, A. Kettrup
4. Chlorinated hydrocarbons and chlorinated phenols in water, suspended 29
solids and sediments of the Yangtse and Liao River in China
D. Martens, X. Jiang, K.-W. Schramm, A. Kettrup
5. Initial results of the investigation of polychlorinated organic compounds 45
in Liao River (Eastern China) performed by GC-ECD.
X. Zhang, K. Wang, J. Chen ,X. Quan, Y. Zhao, Y. Xue, F. Yang
6. Investigation of polychlorinated organic compounds in the lower reaches 57
of Yangtse River by means of GC-ECD
C. Sun, X. Jiang, J. Dai, S. Han, Y. Dong, S. Xu, L. Wang
7. Method development for the simultaneous determination of 69
organochlorine compounds in river samples
M. Gfrerer, T. Wenzl, X. Quan, E. Lankmayr
8. Broad range screening of polychlorinated organic compounds in river 79
samples from Eastern China
T. Wenzl, M. Gfrerer, E. Lankmayr, X. Quan, G. Knapp
9. Chlorinated hydrocarbons and other selected pollutants in parts of the 97
Yangtse (Changjiang) and Liao-He - Comparison and evaluation of
results obtained by all project participants
B. Platzer, D. Martens, X. Jiang, X. Quan, M. Gfrerer, B. M. Gawlik
10. Major and minor constituents of particulate matter and sediment samples 145
taken during a sampling campaign on Liao and Yangtse River, China
B. M. Gawlik, F. Bo, M. Bianchi, D. Fantoni, H. Muntau
11. Preparation and characterisation of a sediment reference material (S-37) 155
for the surveillance of data quality of chlorinated hydrocarbon analysis
during an environmental study in China
B. M. Gawlik, D. Martens, K.-W. Schramm, A. Kettrup, H. Muntau Background of the project
1. Polychlorinated hydrocarbons in selected parts of two Chinese rivers (Yangtse and
Liao-He) - background of an INCO-DC project
B. M.. Gawlik1 and B. Platzer2
1 Joint Research Centre Ispra, Environment Institute, Ispra, Italy
2 Technical University of Graz, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Radio- and Microchemistry, Graz, Austria
of Nanjing, situated on the lower reaches of 1.1 Introduction
the Yangtse River, as well as in the case of Water, which is indispensable for life and
Liao-River in Liaoning Province. Despite the for the development of our societies, has be
fact that river water is subject to pollution by come a coveted economic good, whose man
waste-waters and agricultural run-off, the agement will be one of the main problems of
shortage of available resources makes it necthe 21st century. Already, water shortage is a
essary to use river water for the production of chronic problem in several regions of the
drinking water (Griffith & Schaaf, 1996). world. Even where water is not short in sup
Environmental scientists from the areas of ply, pollution, waste and other management
concern asked therefore for assistance in shortcomings are common.
evaluating the actual river water quality and in The topic water has become of paramount
assessing the ecological impacts of pollution importance for the research activities of many
prior to the selection of a suitable technologiEuropean research institutes, contributing to a
cal approach for water treatment. As a reply to sustainable water management within the
this request the European Commission deframework of the European Union. Besides
cided to finance a Shared-Cost-Action within research programs operating on a European
its program for international co-operation with scale, more and more initiatives are taken to
developing countries - INCO-DC. export and transfer European Know-how on
To this end, three European research instithe environmental sector to developing coun
tutes, namely the Institute of Analytical tries (European Commission, 1996).
Chemistry, Micro- and Radiochemistry in These actions have a considerable influence
Graz, the GSF Institute of Ecological Chemon the evolution of future markets and on the
istry in Munich and the JRC's Environment nature of demand for technology and services.
Institute in Ispra set up with two Chinese Europe is home to international companies
partners - the University in Nanjing and the and high quality management schemes. On a
Dalian University of Technology - an extenglobal scale the market of water treatment
sive monitoring program concerning the water technologies will probably more than double
quality of Yangtse- and Liao-River. The projin size over the next 15 years. The growth will
ect aims on the investigation of river water be particularly strong in Southeast Asia and
quality and the consequences that may arise Latin America.
from pollution by industrial activities in the
In order to meet the opportunities of this
areas of Nanjing and Liaoning Province. Spe
growing market, a particular effort is required
cial attention was paid in this project to con
in research and organisation of international
tamination by polychlorinated organic com
pounds, which are well known to be related to
Especially China has become one of the most
all kind of industrial activities.
interesting partners of the European Union
In the following we will see the socio
among the developing countries. Furthermore,
economic background of the project, as well
it will be one of the largest markets for Euro
as some characteristics of both areas of inter
pean products in the future. The environ
est. Finally, a brief overview on the work
mental problems especially with regard to
done in the field will be given.
water resources, related to rapid industrial de
velopment of China can be seen from the case Gawlik & Platzer
1.2 Socio-economic and cultural back inability to make this adjustment successfully,
and in 1912 the Nationalist Republic was ground information
China's problems can only be fully un found by Dr. Sun Yatsen, who moved the
capital from Beijing to Nanjing on the shores derstood if one considers the country's his
torical and cultural background. The history of Yangtse.
of China as documented in ancient writings, Because of its length and complexity the his
dates back some 3300 years. Centuries of mi tory of the Middle Kingdom leads itself to
gration, amalgamation and development varied interpretations. After the communist
brought about a distinctive system of writing, take-over in 1949, historians in mainland
philosophy, art, and political organisation, that China wrote their own version of the past - a
came to be recognised as Chinese civilisation. history of China built on a Marxist model.
What makes this civilisation unique in world The events of history came to be presented as
history is its continuity over 4000 years to the a function of the class struggle. The Cultural
present century. Revolution from 1966 to 1976 further altered
the objectivity of historians. However, in the The Chinese have developed a strong sense of
their real and mythological origins and have years after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976,
kept voluminous records since very early interest grew in restoring the integrity of his
times. It is largely as a result of these records torical inquiry.
that knowledge concerning the ancient past, In modern China figures from Buddha, Con
not only of China but also of its neighbours, fucius to Mao himself have been evaluated
has survived. One of the most important fac with increasing flexibility. This in itself was a
tors of the Chinese histor