Maude ITP 2.0 Tutorial1 1 1Joe Hendrix , Jos´e Meseguer and Ralf SasseUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.{jhendrix,meseguer,rsasse}@cs.uiuc.eduAbstract. Thepresenttutorialdescribesthemainfeatures,commands,andprooftechniquessupportedbytheMaudeITP2.0inductivetheoremprover.1 IntroductionInductivetheoremprovingisoneofthemostsuccessfulverificationtechniquesforproving complex properties about software algorithms. Many different inductivetheoremprovershavebeendevelopedovertheyearsincludingACL2[13],Coq[2],HOL [9], Isabelle [15], Larch [10], the Maude ITP [8,5,3], PVS [16], RRL [12]andSPIKE[1].Thesetoolssupportawidevarietyofdifferenttechniques,logics,and technical approaches.One common characteristic of inductive theorem provers is that they arealmost always interactive theorem provers, and proving challenging theoremsrequires trained user intervention. The advantage of user interaction is that theuser can direct the theorem prover to show theorems that cannot be proven byfully automatic techniques. However, it is important from the user’s perspectivethat the theorem prover not require too much input. It is often the case thatthe user already “knows” the theorem is true, and wants the prover to performthe necessary steps to prove it. However, with current technology the prover willoften need direction on problems that appear trivial to the user. Many inductivetheoremproofattemptsareabandonedwhentheuserdecidesthetheoremproverrequires too much ...