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2L HARMONICS FORMS ON NON COMPACT MANIFOLDS.GILLES CARRONThe source of these notes is a series of lectures given at the CIMPA’s summerschool ”Recent Topics in Geometric Analysis”. I want to thank the organizers ofthis summer school : Ahmad El Soufi and Mehrdad Shahsahani and I also want tothank Mohsen Rahpeyma who solved many delicate problems.2Theses notes aimed to give an insight into some links between L cohomology,2L harmonics forms, the topology and the geometry of complete Riemannian man-ifolds. This is not a survey but a choice of few topics in a very large subject.2The first part can be regard as an introduction ; we define the space of L2harmonics forms, of L cohomology. We recall the theorems of Hodge and deRham on compact Riemannian manifolds. However the reader is assumed to befamiliar with the basic of Riemannian geometry and with Hodge theory.According to J. Roe ([55]) and following the classification of Von Neumann alge-2bra, we can classify problems on L harmonics forms in three types. The first one2(type I) is the case where the space of harmonics L forms has finite dimension,this situation is the nearest to the case of compact manifolds. The second (type2II) is the case where the space of harmonics L forms has infinite dimension butwhere we have a ”renormalized” dimension for instance when a discrete group actscocompactlybyisometryonthemanifold; agoodreferenceisthebookofW.Lueck([47]) and the seminal paper of M. Atiyah ([4]). The third type ...
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The source of these notes is a series of lectures given at the CIMPA’s summer school ”Recent Topics in Geometric Analysis”. I want to thank the organizers of this summer school : Ahmad El Soufi and Mehrdad Shahsahani and I also want to thank Mohsen Rahpeyma who solved many delicate problems. Theses notes aimed to give an insight into some links betweenL2cohomology, L2topology and the geometry of complete Riemannian man-harmonics forms, the ifolds. This is not a survey but a choice of few topics in a very large subject. The first part can be regard as an introduction ; we define the space ofL2 harmonics forms, ofL2cohomology. We recall the theorems of Hodge and de Rham on compact Riemannian manifolds. However the reader is assumed to be familiar with the basic of Riemannian geometry and with Hodge theory. According to J. Roe ([55]) and following the classification of Von Neumann alge-bra, we can classify problems onL2harmonics forms in three types. The first one (type I) is the case where the space of harmonicsL2forms has finite dimension, this situation is the nearest to the case of compact manifolds. The second (type II) is the case where the space of harmonicsL2forms has infinite dimension but where we have a ”renormalized” dimension for instance when a discrete group acts cocompactly by isometry on the manifold; a good reference is the book of W. Lueck ([47]) and the seminal paper of M. Atiyah ([4]). The third type (type III) is the case where no renormalization procedure is available to define a kind of dimension of the spaceL2 we consider only the type I problems and Hereharmonics forms. at the end of the first part, we will prove a result of J. Lott which says that the finiteness of the dimension of the space ofL2harmonics forms depends only on the geometry at infinity. Many aspects1ofL2harmonics  forforms will not be treated here : instance we will not describe the important problem of theL2cohomology of locally symmetric spaces, and also we will not speak on the pseudo differential approach developped by R. Melrose and his school. However the reader will find at the end of this first chapter a list of some interesting results on the topological interpretation of the space ofL2harmonics forms. In the second chapter, we are interested in the space of harmonicL21forms. This space contains the differential of harmonic functions withL2gradient. We will not speak of the endpoint result of A. Grigory’an ([32, 31]) but we have include a study of P.Li and L-F. Tam ([39]) and of A. Ancona ([1]) on non parabolic ends. In this chapter, we will also study the case of Riemannian surfaces where this space depends only on the complex structure. The last chapter focuses on theL2cohomology of conformally compact mani-folds. The result is due to R. Mazzeo ([48]) and the proof present here is the one 1almost all in fact !
2 GILLES CARRON of N. Yeganefar ([65]) who used an integration by parts formula due to H.Donnelly and F.Xavier ([24]). Contents 1. A short introduction toL2cohomology 2 1.1. Hodge and de Rham ’s theorems 2 1.2. Some general properties of reducedL2cohomology 8 1.3. Lott’s result 10 1.4. Some bibliographical hints 14 2. HarmonicsL21forms 14 2.1. Ends 14 2.2.H01(M) versusH21(M) 16 2.3. The two dimensional case 26 2.4. Bibliographical hints 29 3.L2 29cohomology of conformally compact manifold 3.1. The geometric setting 29 3.2. The case wherek= dimM/2. 30 3.3. A reduction to exact metric 31 3.4. A Rellich type identity and its applications 32 3.5. Application to conformally compact Riemannian manifold 33 3.6. The spectrum of the Hodge-deRham Laplacian 34 3.7. Applications to conformally compact manifolds 36 3.8. Mazzeo’s result. 39 3.9. Bibliographical hints 40 References 40
1.A short introduction toL2cohomology In this first chapter, we introduce the main definitions and prove some prelimi-nary results. 1.1.Hodge and de Rham ’s theorems. 1.1.1.de Rham ’s theorem.LetMnbe a smooth manifold of dimensionn, we denote byCkTM) the space of smooth differentialkforms onMand by C0kTM) the subspace ofCkTM) formed by forms with compact support; in local coordinates (x1, x2, ..., xn), an elementαCkTM) has the following expression α=XαIdxi1dxi2...dxik=XαIdxI I={i1<i2<...<ik}I whereαIare smooth functions of (x1, x2, ..., xn exterior differentiation is a). The differential operator d:CkTM)Ck+1TM), locally we have dXIαIdxI!=IXIdxI.
L2 3HARMONICS FORMS ON NON COMPACT MANIFOLDS. This operator satisfiesdd= 0, hence the range ofdis included in the kernel ofd. Definition1.1.Thekthde Rham’s cohomology group ofMis defined by HkRd(M) =αCdCΛ(Λ(kkT1TM)Mα,d)0=. These spaces are clearly diffeomorphism invariants ofM, moreover the deep theorem of G. de Rham says that these spaces are isomorphic to the real cohomology group ofM, there are in fact homotopy invariant ofM: Theorem 1.2. k HdR(M)'Hk(M,R). From now, we will suppress the subscriptdRforthedeRhamscohmologo.yeW can also define the de Rham’s cohomology with compact support. Definition1.3.Thekthde Rham’s cohomology group with compact support ofM is defined by C0kTM), dα= 0H0k(M) =αdC0k1TM). These spaces are also isomorphic to the real cohomology group ofMwith com-pact support. WhenMis the interior of a compact manifoldMwith compact boundary∂M M=M\∂M , thenH0k(M) is isomorphic to the relative cohomology group ofM: H0k(M) =Hk(M , ∂M) :=,βdαβCC(Λk(TΛkM1T),dMαn)a0=,dιιβα0==0whereι:∂MMis the inclusion map. 1.1.2.cnioe´raPalduy.itWhen we assume thatMis oriented2the bilinear map Hk(M)×H0nk(M)R ([α],[β])7→Zαβ:=I([α],[β]) M is well defined, that is to sayI([α],[β]) doesn’t depend on the choice of representa-tives in the cohomology classes [α] or [β] (this is an easy application of the Stokes formula). Moreover this bilinear form provides an isomorphism betweenHk(M) andH0nk(M). In particular whenαCkTM) is closed (= 0) and satisfies that [β]H0nk(M),Zαβ= 0 M then there existsγCk1TM) such that α=dγ. 2It is not a serious restriction we can used cohomology with coefficient in the orientation bundle.
4 GILLES CARRON 1.1.3.L2cohomology.1.1.3.a) The operatord.We assume now thatMis en-dowed with a Riemannian metricg, we can define the spaceL2kTM) whose elements have locally the following expression α=XαIdxi1dxi2...dxik I={i1<i2<...<ik} whereαILl2ocand globally we have kαk2L2:=ZM|α(x)|2g(x)dvolg(x)<. The spaceL2kTM) is a Hilbert space with scalar product : hα, βi=ZM(α(x), β(x))g(x)dvolg(x). We define the formal adjoint ofd: d:Ck+1TM)CkTM) by the formula αC0k+1TM) andβC0kTM), hdα, βi=hα, dβi. Whenris the Levi-Civita connexion ofg, we can give local expressions for the operatorsdandd: let (E1, E2, ..., En) be a local orthonormal frame and let (θ1, θ2, ..., θn) be its dual frame : θi(X) =g(Ei, X) then n (1.1)=Xθi∧ rEiα, i=1 and n (1.2)dα=XintEi(rEiα), i=1 where we have denote by intEithe interior product with the vector fieldEi. 1.1.3.b)L2harmonic forms.We consider the space ofL2closed forms : Zk(M) ={αL2kTM), dα= 0} 2 where it is understood that the equation= 0 holds weakly that is to say βC0k+1TM),hα, dβi= 0. That is we have : Zk(M) =dCk+1TM), 2 henceZ2k(M) is a closed subspace ofL2kTM). We can also define Hk(M) =dC0k+1TM)dC0k1TM)2 =Z2k(M)∩ {αLkTM), dα= 0} ={αL2kTM), dα= 0 anddα= 0}.
L2HARMONICS FORMS ON NON COMPACT MANIFOLDS. 5 Because the operatord+delliptic, we have by elliptic regularity :is Hk(M)CkTM also remark that by definition we have). We αC0k1TM),βC0k+1TM) hdα, dβi=hddα, βi= 0 Hence dC0k1TM)dC0k+1TM) and we get the Hodge-de Rham decomposition ofL2kTM) (1.3)L2kTM) =Hk(M)dC0k1TM)dC0k+1TM), where the closures are taken for theL2 alsotopology. And ' (1.4)Hk(M)dC0(ZΛ2kk(M1)TM). 1.1.3.c)L2cohomology:We also define the (maximal) domain ofdby Dk(d) ={αL2kTM), dαL2} that is to sayα∈ Dk(d) if and only if there is a constantCsuch that βC0k+1TM),|hα, dβi| ≤Ckβk2. In that case, the linear formβC0k+1TM)7→ hα, dβiextends continuously toL2k+1TM) and there isγ=:such that βC0k+1TM),hα, dβi=hγ, βi. We remark that we always havedDk1(d)Z2k(M). Definition1.4.We define thekthspace of reducedL2cohomology by H2k(M) =dDZ2kk(M1)(d). Thekthspace of non reducedL2cohomology is defined by k nrH2(M) =ZdD2kk(M1)(d). These two spaces coincide when the range ofd:Dk1(d)L2is closed; the first space is always a Hilbert space and the second is not necessary Hausdorff. We also haveC0k1TM)⊂ Dk1(d) hence we always get a surjective map : Hk(M)H2k(M)→ {0}. In particular any class of reducedL2cohomology contains a smooth representative. 1.1.3.d) Case of complete manifolds.The following result is due to Gaffney ([28], see also part 5 in [64]) for a related result) Lemma 1.5.Assume thatgis a complete Riemannian metric then dDk1(d) =dC0k1TM).
6 GILLES CARRON Proof.We already know thatdC0k1TM)⊂ Dk1(d), moreover using a par-tition of unity and local convolution it is not hard to check that ifα∈ Dk1(d) has compact support then we can find a sequence (αl)lNof smooth forms with compact support such that kαlαkL2+klkL21/l. So we must only prove that ifα∈ Dk1(d) then we can build a sequence (αN)N of elements ofDk1(d) with compact support such that L2limN=dα. N→∞ We fix now an originoMand denote byB(o, N) the closed geodesic ball of radiusNand centered ato, because (M, g) is assumed to be complete we know thatB(o, N) is compact and M=NNB(o, N). We considerρC0(R+) with 0ρ1 with support in [0,1] such that ρ= 1 on [0,1/2] and we define (1.5)χN(x) =ρd(o,xN). ThenχNis a Lipschitz function and is differentiable almost everywhere and N(x) =ρ0d(N,xo)dr wheredris the differential of the functionx7→d(o, x). Letα∈ Dk1(d) and define αN=χNα, the support ofαNis included in the ball of radiusNand centered atohence is compact. Moreover we have kαNαkL2≤ kαkL2(M\B(o,N/2)) hence L2limαN=α N→∞ Moreover whenϕC0k+1TM) we have hαN, dϕi=hα, χNdϕi =hα, d(χNϕ)i+hα,intgrad χNϕi =hχN+Nα, ϕi HenceαN∈ Dk1(d) and N=χN+Nα. But for almost allxM, we have|N|(x)≤ kρ0kL/Nhence kNkL2≤ kρ0NkLkαkL2+kχNkL2 L≤ kρ0NkkαkL2+kkL2(M\B(o,N/2)).
L2HARMONICS FORMS ON NON COMPACT MANIFOLDS. 7 Hence we have build a sequenceαNof elements ofDk1(d) with compact support such thatL2limN→∞N=dα.A corollary of this lemma (1.5) and of (1.4) is the following : Corollary 1.6.When(M, g)is a complete Riemannian manifold then the space of harmonicL2forms computes the reducedL2cohomology : H2k(M)' Hk(M). With a similar proof, we have another result : Proposition 1.7.When(M, g)is a complete Riemannian manifold then Hk(M) ={αL2kTM),(dd+dd)α= 0}. Proof.Clearly we only need to check the inclusion : {αL2kTM),(dd+dd)α= 0} ⊂ Hk(M). We consider again the sequence of cut-off functionsχNdefined previously in (1.5). LetαL2kTM) satisfying (dd+dd)α= 0 by elliptic regularity we know that α Moreover we have :is smooth. kd(χNα)k2L2=Z|Nα|2+ 2hNα, χNi+χ2N||2dvolg M =ZM|Nα|2+h2Nα, dαi+χ2N||2dvolg |Nχ2Nα), dαidvolg =ZMα|2+hd( Nα, didvolg =ZM|α|2+hχ2N Similarly we get : kd(χNα)k2L2=ZMh|intgrad χNα|2+hχ2Nα, ddαiidvolg Summing these two equalities we obtain : 2 kd(χNα)k2L2+kd(χNα)k2L2=ZM|N|2|α|2dvolg≤ kρ0Nk2ZM|α|2dvolg. LHence whenNtends towe obtain kdαk2L2+kdαk2L2= 0. This proposition has the consequence that on a complete Riemannian manifold harmonicL2functions are closed hence locally constant. Another corollary is that the reducedL2cohomology of the Euclidean space is trivial3: Corollary 1.8. H2k(Rn) ={0}. 3This can also be proved with the Fourier transform.
8 GILLES CARRON Proof.On the Euclidean spaceRna smoothkformαcan be expressed as α=XαIdxi1dxi2...dxik I={i1<i2<...<ik} andαwill be aL2solution of the equation (dd+dd)α= 0 if and only if all the functionsαIare harmonic andL2hence zero because the volume ofRnis infinite.Remark1.9.When (M, g) is not complete, we have not necessary equality between the spaceHk(M) (whose elements are sometimes called harmonics fields) and the space of theL2solutions of the equation (dd+dd)α instance, on the For= 0. intervalM= [0,1] the spaceH0(M) is the space of constant functions, whereas L2solutions of the equation (dd+dd)α generally, on a More= 0 are affine. smooth compact connected manifold with smooth boundary endowed with a smooth Riemannian metric, then againH0(M) is the space of constant functions, whereas the space{fL2(M), ddf= 0}is the space of harmonicL2function; this space is infinite dimensionnal when dimM >1. 1.1.3e) Case of compact manifoldsThe Hodge’s theorem says that for compact manifold cohomology is computed with harmonic forms : Theorem 1.10.IfMis a compact Riemannian manifold without boundary then H2k(M)' Hk(M)'Hk(M). WhenMis the interior of a compact manifoldMwith compact boundary∂M and whengextends toM(hencegis incomplete) a theorem of P. Conner ([19]) states that H2k(M)'Hk(M)' Hbska(M) where Hsabk(M) ={αL2kTM), dα=dα int= 0 andα= 0 along∂M} andν~:∂MT Mis  Inthe inward unit normal vector field. fact whenKMis a compact subset ofMwith smooth boundary and ifgis a complete Riemannian metric onMthen for Ω =M\K, we also have the equality H2k(Ω)' Hbska(Ω) where ifν~:ΩT Mis the inward unit normal vector field, we have also denoted (1.6)Hsabk(Ω) ={αL2kTΩ), dα=dα= 0 and intα= 0 alongΩ}. 1.2.Some general properties of reducedL2cohomology. 1.2.1.a general link with de Rham’s cohomology.We assume that (M, g) is a com-plete Riemannian manifold, the following result is due to de Rham (theorem 24 in [21]) Lemma 1.11.LetαZ2k(M)CkTM)and suppose thatαis zero inH2k(M) that is there is a sequenceβlC0k1TM)such that α=L2liml l→∞
L2 9HARMONICS FORMS ON NON COMPACT MANIFOLDS. then there isβCk1TM)such that α=dβ. In full generality, we know nothing about the behavior ofβat infinity. Proof.We can always assume thatMytilaeitnsironeecdeh,ePoibyth´eduncar (1.1.2), we only need to show that ifψC0nkTM) is closed then ZMαψ= 0. But by assumption, ZMαψ=llimZMd βlψ = limZMd(βlψ) becauseψis closed l→∞ 0. = Hence the result.This lemma implies the following useful result which is due to M. Anderson ([2]): Corollary 1.12.There is a natural injective map ImH0k(M)Hk(M)H2k(M). Proof.As a matter of fact we need to show that ifαC0kTM) is closed and zero in the reducedL2 is thiscohomology then it is zero in usual cohomology: exactly the statement of the previous lemma (1.11).1.2.2.Consequence for surfaces.These results have some implications for a com-plete Riemannian surface (S, g) : i) If the genus ofSis infinite then the dimension of the space ofL2harmonic 1forms is infinite. ii) If the space ofL2harmonics 1forms is trivial then the genus ofSis zero andSis diffeomorphic to a open set of the sphere. As a matter of fact, a handle ofSis a embeddingf:S1×[1,1]Ssuch that if we denoteA=f(S1×[1,1]) thenS\ Ais connected.
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