week endingPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSVOLUME 91, N UMBER 18 31 OCTOBER 2003Charge Density Variation inYBa Cu O without there being proof. On the other hand, the experi-2 3 6ymentally observed splittings are not very different fromIn a recent Letter, Bobroff et al. [1] investigate the hole the linewidths of the planar oxygen satellite transitions indoping distribution and find that it is smaller than 0.025 La Sr CuO , where we proved the existence of charge-2x x 489based on Y NMR. Their intent was to address inhomo- density variations [4] in the Cu-O plane (similar exces-geneous, nanoscale charge variations; however, their con- sive widths have been reported in various other materialsclusions may appear to imply the absence of any type of including Tl Ba CuO [6]). Consequently, it cannot be2 2 ycharge-density modulation. While we agree with their excluded that the splittings observed in YBa Cu O2 3 6ydata, we point out that their analysis does not rule out a represent a commensurate charge-density variation inlargely commensurate charge-density variation of larger contrast to an incommensurate one in La Sr CuO ,2x x 4amplitude having the symmetry shown in Fig. 1. and the resulting (ordered) hole variation could exceedThe arrangement in Fig. 1 obeys the lattice symmetry, 89that estimated from Y substantially. We also note thatand is in agreement with the NMR observations (if the the possible charge and spin order is in agreement withestablished hyperfine ...