A GAMS TUTORIALby Richard E. Rosenthal2.1. INTRODUCTIONfeatures. Many references are made to the GAMS User’s Guide book, but they are only totell you where to look for more details; the material here can be read profitably withouthistorically served as a 'laboratory animal' in the development of optimization technology.instance at hand, possesses a simple, exploitable algebraic structure. You will see thatalmost all of the statements in the GAMS input file we are about to present would remainIn the familiar transportation problem, we are given the supplies at several plants and thedemands at several markets for a single commodity, and we are given the unit costs ofshipping the commodity from plants to markets. The economic question is: how muchshipment should there be between each plant and each market so as to minimize totalThe algebraic representation of this problem is usually presented in a format similar to the:i = plantsj = marketsGiven Data:a i (in cases)i b = demand for commodity at market jc = cost per unit shipment between plant i and market j ($/case)ijj (cases)= supply of commodity of plant Indicesfollowing.transport cost?unchanged if a much larger transportation problem were considered.modeling languages like GAMS because the transportation problem, no matter how large the[See, for example, Dantzig (1963) .] It is good choice for illustrating the power of algebraicThe example is an instance of the transportation problem of linear ...