Schoolwide Benchmark Assessment Plan Math Standards Test 1 September Test 3 January Test 2 November Test 4 March Testing Standard Category FIFTH GRADE FIFTH GRADE Essential Math Standards Kid Friendly Standards 1.2 1.2 I understand percents are part of a hundred Interpret percents as a part of a hundred; find decimal and Number Sense 3 percent equivalents for common fractions and explain why they represent the same value; compute a given percent of a whole number. 1 1.4 1.4 I know all the prime factors of all numbers up to 50 and Determine the prime factors of all numbers through 50 and Number Sense can write numbers as the product of their prime factors by write the numbers as the product of their prime factors by using exponents. using exponents to show multiples of a factor (e.g., 24 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 23 x 3). 1 2.2 2.2 I know how to divide with positive decimals and I am able Demonstrate proficiency with division, including division Number Sense to do long division using multi-digit divisors. with positive decimals and long division with multi-digit divisors. 1 2.3 2.3 I am able to solve word problems in real-life situations and Solve simple problems, including ones arising in concrete Number Sense write anwers in their simplest form. (My mom gave me 3 situations, involving the addition and subtraction of out of the five cookies in the cookie jar. Tommy, my fractions and mixed numbers (like and unlike ...