ENVI Tutorial: DecisionTree ClassificationDecision Tree Classification 2Files Used in this Tutorial 2Background 2Decision Tree Input 2Displaying Images for Decision Tree Classification 4Entering Decision Tree Rules 5Pairing the Expression Variable with a File 5Entering Additional Rules 5Executing the Decision Tree 7Viewing the Decision Tree Results 8Modifying the Decision Tree 9Adding New Decisions 9Changing the Class Colors and Names 9Using Band Indices in Decision Expressions 9Pruning the Decision Tree 10Saving Tree Survivors to a Mask 111ENVI Tutorial: Decision Tree ClassificationDecision Tree ClassificationThis tutorial is designed to introduce you to the capabilities of ENVI’s decision tree classifier. You willimplement a decision tree classifier, explore the various display options for decision trees, prune yourdecision tree, modify the class characteristics resulting from the tree, and more.Files Used in this TutorialENVI Resource DVD: D a t a \ d e c i s i o nF i l e D e s c r i p t i o nb o u l d r _ t m . d a t Landsat 5 TM image of Boulder, Coloradob o u l d r _ t m . h d r ENVI header for aboveb o u l d e r _ d e m . d a t Spatial subset of USGS DEM of Boulder, Coloradob o u l d e r _ d e m . h d r ENVI Header for aboveBackgroundA decision tree is a type of multistage classifier that can be applied to a single image or a stack ofimages. It is made up of a series of binary decisions that are used to determine the correct ...