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Primality - FactorizationChristophe RitzenthalerNovember 9, 20091 Prime and factorizationDe nition 1.1. An integer p > 1 is called a prime number (nombre premier) if ithas only 1 and p as divisors.Example 1. There are in nitely many prime numbers. The biggest generic one is3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3(((((((((2 + 3) + 30) + 6) + 80) + 12) + 450) + 894) + 3636) + 70756) + 97220Interested readers may read for the origin of this number. It has 20,562 decimal digitsand the proof was built using fastECPP on several networks of workstations.We will write P the set of prime numbers. To estimate the e ciency of some algo-rithms, we need results on density of primes.Theorem 1.1. Let (x) = #fpx primeg. One hasx(x) :logxLet n 2 be an integer and c an integer prime to n. Let (x) = #fpx prime; p =n;ckn +cg: One has1 x (x) :n;c(n) logxTo nd a prime number, the number of attempts is then of the size of x. Indeed,kthe probability to fail in k attempts is (1 1= log(x)) so the probability to succeedk k=log(x)1 (1 1= log(x)) 1 e1+which is closed to 1 for any k = log(x) .Remark 1. For x 17, one has (x) > x= logx and for x > 1 one has (x) <1:25506(x= logx).Let us nish with the fundamental result.1Theorem 1.2. Every integer a> 1 can be written as the product of prime numbersYe(p)a = pp2Pwith e(p) 0 and e(p) = 0 except for nitely many primes p. Up to permutation, thefactors in ...
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Primality - Factorization
Christophe Ritzenthaler
Prime and factorization
Definition 1.1.An integerp >1is called aprime number(nombre premier) if it has only1andpas divisors.
Example 1.There are infinitely many prime numbers. The biggest generic one is
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (((((((((2 + 3) + 30) + 6) + 80) + 12) + 450) + 894) + 3636) + 70756) + 97220
Interested readers may readhttp: // www. cs. uwaterloo. ca/ journals/ JIS/ VOL8/ Caldwell/ caldwell78. htmlfor the origin of this number. It has 20,562 decimal digits and the proof was built using fastECPP on several networks of workstations.
We will writePthe set of prime numbers. To estimate the efficiency of some algo-rithms, we need results on density of primes.
Theorem 1.1.Letπ(x) = #{pxprime}. One has x π(x). logx
Letn2be an integer andcan integer prime ton. Letπn,c(x) = #{pxprime, p= kn+c}.One has 1x πn,c(x). φ(n) logx To find a prime number, the number of attempts is then of the size ofx. Indeed, k the probability to fail inkattempts is (11/log(xthe probability to succeed)) so
kk/log(x) 1(11/log(x))1e
1+which is closed to 1 for anyk= log(x) .
Remark 1.Forx17, one hasπ(x)> x/logxand forx >1one hasπ(x)< 1.25506(x/logx).
Let us finish with the fundamental result.
Theorem 1.2.Every integera >1can be written as the product of prime numbers Y e(p) a=p pP
withe(p)0ande(p) = 0except for finitely many primesp. Up to permutation, the factors in this product are uniquely determined.
Prime numbers
To produce big prime numbers is very important for cryptographic applications. For a givenn, there is no generic algorithm which can compute a random prime number less thanndanddelayHadamarraselubtH.woverestowt#hassuohsnillaVPee´{pn nprime} ∼(see 1). So the usual method is to pick random numbers and to test if logn they are prime or not. This requests that we have fast algorithms to test primality.
2.1Primalitytest 2.1.1 Trial division
The simplest algorithm is based on the following result. Proposition 2.1.nis a composite number if and only if it has a prime divisorpsuch thatpn. Proof.Sincenis composite,n=aband eitheraorbis smaller thann. This proposition suggests that one can try all prime numbers less or equal tonusing Eratosthenes sieve. Following the estimate density of prime (see 1), it means that we √ √1 () logn make up ton/logndivisions, leading to an exponential algorithm inO(e). 2
2.1.2 Fermat test and Carmichael numbers n1 By Fermat little theorem, one knows that ifnis a prime number thena1 (modn) for allaZcoprime withnthe theorem was an equivalence, we would have an easy. If polynomial algorithm to test if a number is a prime. Unfortunately 340 Example 2.Considern= 341 = 1131has. One 2341)1 (mod .Such a number is calledpseudo-prime(pseudo-premier) in base2. We can prove that there are infinitely many pseudo-primes in base2by showing that if n nis such a number then21becausealso. Indeed nis a pseudo-prime in base2one n1n1 hasn|21, i.e. there iscsuch thatnc= 21. Now
n n1 211 2(21) 2nc 21 = 21 = 21.
n The last expression is divisible by21so n 211n 221 (mod 1).
n n To finish the proof, one has to show that21is not a prime. Sincen=ab,21is a divisible by21.
340 An idea is then to change the value ofa: for instance 356 (mod 341). Un-fortunately, there are numbers that are pseudo-prime in any base. Such numbers are calledCarmichael numbers(for instance 561 = 311has been shown by Alford,17). It Granville and Pomerance in 1994 that there are infinitely many Carmichael numbers so Fermat test cannot be completely sure. Let us show some properties of these numbers.
Proposition 2.2.An (odd) composite numbern3is a Carmichael number if and only if it is square free and for each prime divisorpofn,p1dividesn1.
n1 Proof.indeed (First it is easy to see that a Carmichael number is odd : 1)1 (modn) if and only ifnis odd. Letabe a Carmichael number, for anyaprime tonone has
n1 a1
Letpbe a prime divisor ofn. There existsaprimitive element modulopthat is prime r ton. Indeed, letaa primitive element modulopandn=pmwithmcoprime to r pexists an element (still denoted. There a) inZ/pZlifting the initiala(because the r morphismZ/pZZ/pZWe findest surjectif). sZ/mZcoprime tomand since r Z/nZ'Z/pZ×Z/mZwe construct the elementaZ/nZimage of (a, s). Such an n1 element satisfies the properties foraone has of course. Now, a1 (modp) but as ais primitivep1 dividesn1. 2 Now suppose thatn=p mand writea= 1 +pmhas. One
p2 a1 +p m+. . .1
So the order ofaisp. Butpdoes not dividen1 (p|n) so we get a contradiction. Conversely, letnbe a square-free integer such thatp1 dividesn1 for all prime divisorspofn. Letabe prime tonone has
p1 a1
and becausen1 is a multiple ofp1,
n1 a1
Using the Chinese Remainder theorem for all the factorsp, one gets
n1 a1
Corollary 2.1.Any Carmichael number is the product of at least3distinct odd primes.
Proof.Because a Carmichael number is without square factor and is not prime it has at least two prime factors. Let us assume thatn=pqwithp < q. Thenq1 divides pq1 =p(q1) +p1 soq1 dividesp1. Absurd.
Example 3.Show that if6m+ 1,12m+ 1and18m+ 1are primes thenn= (6m+ 1)(12m+1)(18m+1)is a Carmichael number. First by the Chinese Remainder theorem, one can see that ifn=abwitha, bcoprime then for anyxprime tonone has lcm(φ(a)(b)) x1 (modn).
Now lcm(φ(6m+ 1), φ(12m+ 1), φ(18m+ 1)) = 36mand also36m|n1can check. One that1729is such a number.
2.1.3 Lucas test n1 Letn >We will show that if there exists an1 be an integer. asuch thata1 q (modn) anda6≡1 (modn) for allq|n1,q6=n1, thennThis is ais prime. m 2 very good test for Fermat numbersFmnumbers of the form, i.e. n= 2 (For+ 1 m= 0. . .32 only the first five are prime.F33is so big that it may be many years before we can decide its nature). But obviously this test is not good for a generic prime since we must know the factorization ofn1. n1 Let assume that such anaexists and letdbe the order ofain (Z/nZ) . Sincea1 (modn),d|(n1). More exactly as no proper divisor ofn1 is the order ofa, one has d=n1. Nown1 =d|φ(n). This is possible only ifnis prime.
2.1.4 Rabin-Miller test Contrary to the Fermat test, the Miller-Rabin test can prove the compositeness of any composite number (i.e. there is no analog of Carmichael numbers for this test). But Rabin-Miller test is a Monte-Carlo algorithm : it always stops ; if it answers yes, the number is composite and if it answers no then the answer is correct with a probability greater than 3/4. r s Letnbe an odd positive integer ands= max{rN,2|n1}. Letd= (n1)/2 . Lemma 2.1(Miller).Ifnis a prime and ifais an integer prime tonthen we have r d2d eithera1 (modn)or there existsr∈ {0, . . . , s1}such thata≡ −1 (modn). d Proof.The order ofais a divisor ofncan be1. It dand thena1 (modn). If r r1 r2d2d it is not then its order is 2dforr∈ {1, . . . , s}. Soa1 (modn) andais a r1 2d non-trivial square root of 1 soa≡ −1 (modn).
If we find anawhich is prime tonand that satisfies neither of the conditions, then nis composite. Such an integerais called awitness(inmo´et) for the compositeness of n. Example 4.Letn= 561.a= 2is a witness forn. Indeed heres= 4, d= 35 35 235 435 835 and2561)263 (mod ,2166 (mod 561),2561)67 (mod ,21 (mod 561).
For the efficiency of the Rabin-Miller test, it is important that there are sufficiently many witnesses for the compositeness of a composite number. Theorem 2.1(Rabin).Ifn3is an odd composite number, then the set{1, . . . , n1} contains at most(n1)/4numbers that are prime tonand not witnesses for the compositeness ofn. Proof.Letkbe the maximum value ofrfor which there is an integeraprime ton Q k e(p) that satisfies the second identity. We setm= 2d. Letn=pbe the prime p factorization ofn. Let
= = = =
n1 {a: gcd(a, n) = 1, a1 (modn)} m e(p) {a: gcd(a, n) = 1, a≡ ±1 (modp) for allp|n} m {a: gcd(a, n) = 1, a≡ ±1 (modn)} m {a: gcd(a, n) = 1, a1 (modn)}.
We haveMLKJ(Z/nZ) . For eachawhich is not a witness for the compositeness ofn, the residue classabelongs toLwill prove that the index of. We L in (Z/nZ) is at least four. The index ofMinKIndeed one can writeis a power of 2.
M x
K 7→x
M 2 7→x .
2 Let denoteIthe image of the morphisms:xxfrom the multiplicative groupK.s j j has kernel a group of order 2 for somejso #I= #K/Now since #2 . Idivides #M j j we can write #M= #Iaand [K:M] = 2/tLet’s say 2 . Ifand is a power of 2. j2 then we are finished. Ifj= 1 (i.e. [L:K] = 2) thennIt follows from Cor. 2.1 thathas two prime divisors. n is not a Carmichael number. This implies thatJis a proper subgroup of (Z/nZ) and ∗ ∗ the index ofJin (Z/nZat least 2. ) is Therefore the index ofLin (Z/nZ) is at least 4. eFinally, letj= 0. Thennis a prime power, sayn=pwithe >1. Butφ: (Z/nZ)e1n1 Z/(p1)Z×Z/pZis an isomorphism. Asn1 is prime top a1 (modn) if e1e1 and only ifφ(a) = (µ,[(0). So Z/nZ) :J] = #Z/pZ=pis bigger than 4. This except forn= 9 which can be checked by hand.
To apply the Rabin-Miller test, we choose a random numbera∈ {2, . . . , n1}. If s1 d2d2d gcd(a, n)>1 thennOtherwise we computeis composite. . . . , aa , a , we find. If a witness for the compositeness ofn, then we have proved thatnis composite. By Th. 2.1, the probability thatnis composite and thatais not a witness is less than 1/4. So t if we repeat the testttimes we can make this probability less than (1/4) . Fort= 10 6 this probability is less than 10 . Remark 2.Under the Generalized Riemann hypothesis (which is conjectural but believed true), it can be proved that there is always a witness for the compositeness ofnwith
2 a≤ O((logn) ). If we want a absolute test, Adleman, Pomerance, Rumely, Cohen and Lenstra have given an algorithm (APRCL) which is slower but still feasible on numbers of1000digits (it Clog log|n|2 runs inO(|n|)). 2 In 2002, M. Agrawal, N. Kayal and N. Saxena have found a deterministic polynomial algorithm to solve the problem of primality.
Now given annthat is known to be composite, how can we find its decomposition in prime factors ? We are going to present algorithms to obtain a non-trivial factor. By repeating inductively the algorithm, we can then factorize the number.
Trial division
To find small prime factors ofn, a precomputed table of all prime numbers below a fixed boundBA typicalis computed. This can be done using the sieve of Eratosthenes. 6 bound isB.= 10
21 Example 5.We want to factorn= 3 + 1. Trial division with primes less than50 2 2 yields the factors2,7,43we divide. If nby those factors, we obtainm= 1241143. m1 Since2793958 (modm), this number is still composite.
This algorithm is efficient whennhas a prime factorpsuch thatp1 has only small prime divisors. Indeed, by Fermat’s little theorem, one has
k a1
for all multiplekofp1. Ifp1 has only small prime divisors, one can try Y e k=q e qP,qB
k k whereBis a given bound. Now ifa1 is not divisible byn, then gcd(a1, n) is a non-trivial factor ofn.
Example 6.Letn= 1241143of the previous example. We setB= 13. Thenk= k 89571113andgcd(21, n) = 547. Son= 5472269which are both prime numbers.
3.3 Quadratic sieve 3.3.1 Idea The quadratic sieve finds integerx, ysuch that 2 2 xy(modn) and x6≡ ±y(modn). 2 2 Thennis a divisor ofxy= (xy)(x+y) but of neitherxyorx+y. Hence g= gcd(xy, n) is a proper divisor ofn. 2 2 Example 7.Letn= 7429, x= 227, y= 210. Thenxy=n,xy= 17so17|n.
3.3.2 Determination ofxandy The idea from the previous section is also used in other factoring algorithms, such as the number field sieve (NFS), but those algorithms have different ways of findingx, y. We describe howx, yare found in the quadratic sieve. Letm=bncand 2 f(X) = (X+m)n. We first explain the procedure on an example. Example 8.Letn= 7429. Thenm= 86. One has 2 2 3 f(3) = 837429 =540 =1235, 2 2 f(1) = 877429 = 140 = 257, 2 2 f(2) = 887429 = 315 = 357. This implies 2 2 3 83≡ −1235 (mod 7429), 2 2 87257 (mod 7429), 2 2 88357429)7 (mod . If the last two congruences are multiplied then we obtain 2 2 (8788)(2357) (modn). Therefore we can setx8788 (modn)227andy2357 (modn)210. In the example we have presented numbersfor which the valuef(s) has only small prime factors. Then we use the congruence 2 (s+m)f(s) (modn). From those congruences, we select a subset whose products yields squares on the left-and the right-hand sides. The left-hand side of each congruence is a square anyway. Also we know the prime factorization of each right-hand side. The product of a number of right-hand sides is a square if the exponentsIn1 and all prime factors are even. the next section, we explain how an appropriate subset of congruences is chosen.
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