Calculus IIAxelle ZieglerSylvain ErvedozaXavier GendreRodolphe Richardfrom courses notes by S. Kesavan16Part INumerical seriesIntroductionGiven a sequence of numbers (real or complex) (a ) , we can define the sequence (s )n n∈N n n∈Nof partial sums asnX∀n∈N,s = an kk=0Furthermore, given a sequence of numbers (s ) , we can define the sequence (a )n n∈N n n∈Nas a =s0 0∀n∈N,a = s −sn+1 n+1 nItisinterestingtoassociateasequence (a ) andasequence (s ) ,becausepropertiesn n∈N n n∈Nof numerical series can be considered as properties on numerical sequences.1 Definitions and examplesDefinition 1. Let (a ) a sequence of numbers (real or complex).n n∈NIf the sequence (s ) converges to s, we say that the series of (a ) converges and wen n∈N n n∈Nwrite ∞Xa = snn=0We call the number s the sum of the series.If the sequence (s ) diverges, we say that the series diverges.n n∈N∞XnExample . The simplest of all series is perhaps the geometric series x . We know thatn=0N N+1X 1−xn∀x = 1, x =1−xn=0∞X 1n n• if|x| < 1, then (x ) → 0 and so x = .n∈N1−xn=0∞Xnn• if|x|≥ 1 then (x ) diverges and so x diverges.n∈Nn=02∞XTheorem 1 (Cauchy criterion). The series a converges if, and only if,nn=0qX∀ǫ > 0,∃N ∈N,∀p∈N,∀q∈N, N ≤p≤q⇒| a | <ǫkk=pProof . This is just the Cauchy criterion applied to the sequence (s ) .n n∈N∞XCorollary . If the series a converges, the sequence (a ) converges to zero.k n n∈Nk=0Proof . The Cauchy criterion gives the result in taking q ...