VOLUME 77, NUMBER 22 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 25N OVEMBER 1996Comment on “Local Magnetism and Crystal Fields141of Pr in PrBa Cu O Studied by Pr NMR”2 3 7141Nehrke and Pieper presented a Pr NMR study [1]in which they report a tiny ordered magnetic moment ofPr in PrBa Cu O at low temperature. In addition, they2 3 7determined the crystal field (CF) splitting (potential) ofthe Pr ions. They propose that the magnetic transition at17 K is due to a ferromagnetic coupling between the CuO2planes of a bilayer induced by Pr. These conclusions areambiguous and in total disagreement with most of theother experimental techniques.The proposed reorientation of the Cu spins would1 1 1 FIG. 1. Neutron energy spectra of Pb Sr PrCu O , a double2 2 3 8indeed increase the magnetic , , s0d reflection but2 2 2layer cuprate similar as PrBa Cu O .1 1 3 1 1 5 2 3 7would strongly decrease the , , s1d and , , s2d2 2 2 2 2 2reflections, which are not observed for PrBa Cu O [2]2 3 7techniques. Neutron scattering is a fast probe, whichsT › 17 Kd, PrBa Cu O [3] sT › 10 Kd, nor forN 2 3 6 Nmeans it sees slowly fluctuating spins as static, whereasPb Sr PrCu O [4] sT › 7 Kd. There are only positive2 2 3 8 NNMR is much slower. Pr Mössbauer, which lies inBragg intensities observed in the neutron diffractionbetween these techniques, reports an ordered moment ofpatterns, indicating an additional magnetic moment in the0.32m [9], still much higher compared to those reportedBsystem.in the Letter ...