BENCHMARK REVIEW OF JEF-2.2 LIBRARY FOR CRITICALITY ANALYSIS1 2 3 4Ali Nouri , Nigel Smith , Bénédicte Roque and Isabelle Guimier1OECD/NEA Data Bank, France2AEA-Technology, Winfrith, UK3CEA/DRN, Cadarache, France4IPSN, Fontenay-aux-Roses, FranceA bstract Over the past decade and more, major international efforts have been made under the auspices of theNEA Data Bank to develop a modern source nuclear data file (JEF) suitable for application for reactorphysics, shielding and criticality analysis. The first generally available comprehensive file wasJEF-2.2, frozen in 1992 and issued to participating countries for benchmark testing, review andfeedback, the aim being to complete the continuous improvement cycle of nuclear data evaluation,widespread testing and feedback leading to improved evaluations.T his paper reviews the benchmark analysis performed using the various codes both independently andcollectively, in order to summarise the current validation status of the JEF-2.2 file for criticalitypurposes. A variety of experimental sources were considered for each class of problem to avoidexperimental program-specific tendencies. Also, the use of the results from independent codes andanalysis enables code-specific bias effects to be minimised. Recommendations are made concerningareas where further benchmark analysis may be required and where further improvements to thesource nuclear data file should be sought for the benefits of criticality assessment.11. ...