Benchmark Assessment








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th5 Grade Math Year at a Glance KEY Quarters Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 *=LearningTargetsAssessedonISTEP+ B=BridgeaddedforseamlessverticalalignmentAccordingtotheIndianaMACommonCoreStateDocument,EACSdenoted: = Related Additional Information stated in 2011 CCSS from IDOE Big + = Non-related Additional Information stated in 2011 CCSS from IDOE Idea Explicitly taught CC/Learning Targets Correlating CC/Learning Targets Bundles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Indicator * 5.1.1 Convert between numbers in words and numbers in figures, for numbers up to millions and decimals to thousandths. a. Convert between whole numbers in words and standard form for numbers up to millions. b. Covert between numbers in words and standard form for decimals to thousandths. c. Write decimals to thousandths in expanded form. 5.1.2 Round whole numbers and decimals to any place value. a. Round whole numbers to any place value. b. Round decimals to any place value. *5.1.3 Arrange in numerical order and compare whole numbers or decimals to two decimal places by using the symbols for less than (<), equals (=), and greater than (>). (5NBT.1) a. Compare whole numbers using the symbols for less than (<), greater than (>) and equal (=). (5NBT.3) b. Compare decimals to the hundredths using the symbols for less than (<), greater than (>) and equal (=). c. Order numbers with decimals to two decimal places. d. Explain ...
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th 5 GradeMath Year at a Glance KEY Quarters Q1Q2Q3Q4*= Learning Targets Assessed on ISTEP+ B = Bride added for seamless vertical alinmentAccordin tothe Indiana MA Common Core State DocumentEACS denoted: #Related Additional Information stated in 2011 CCSS from IDOE = + =Non-related Additional Information stated in 2011 CCSS from IDOEBi Idea CC/Learning TargetsExplicitly taught Correlating CC/Learning Targets Bundles1 23 45 67 8 Indicator * 5.1.1Convert between numbers in words and numbers in figures, for numbers up to millions and decimals tothousandths. a. Convert between whole numbers in words and standard form for numbers up to millions. b. Covert between numbers in words and standard form for decimals to thousandths. c. Write decimals to thousandths in expanded form. 5.1.2 Roundwhole numbers and decimals to any place value.a. Round whole numbers to any place value. b. Round decimals to any place value. *5.1.3 Arrangein numerical order and compare whole numbers or decimals to two decimal places by using the symbols forless than (<), equals (=), and greater than (>). (5NBT.1)a. Compare whole numbers using the symbols for less than (<), greater than (>) and equal (=). (5NBT.3) b. Compare decimals to the hundredths using the symbols for less than (<), greater than (>) and equal (=). c. Order numbers with decimals to two decimal places. d. Explain that the place value to the right is 10 times greater than a given digit and the place value to the left is 1/10 as great as that digit. · Recognizethat in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left. e. Order whole numbers up to one million from both greatest to least and least to greatest. +Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths. ·and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form, Read e.g., 347.392 = 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 7 × 1 + 3 × (1/10) + 9 × (1/100) + 2 × (1/1000). ·thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and <two decimals to  Compare symbols to record the results of comparisons. *5.1.4 Interpretpercents as a part of a hundred.Find decimal and percent equivalents for common fractions andexplain why they represent the same value. a. Represent percents with objects and/or pictures. b. Restate decimals to hundredths as percents. c. Find decimal and percent equivalents for common fractions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/10). d. Explain equivalence of a common fraction and its decimal and percent form.
5.1.5 Explaindifferent interpretations of fractions: as parts of a whole, parts of a set, and division of whole numbers bywhole numbers. · Partsof a whole · Partsof a set ·of whole numbers by whole numbers Division 5.1.6 Describeand identify prime and composite numbers.a. List factors of whole numbers. b. Explain that a prime number is a number that can be evenly divided only by 1 and itself (e.g., 2, 3, 5, 7, 11). c. Explain that a composite number is a number with more than two factors (e.g., 4, 6, 8, 9, 10). d. Identify prime and composite numbers by listing factors. *5.1.7 Identifyon a number line the relative position of simple positive fractions, positive mixed numbers, and positivedecimals. a. Plot positive simple fractions on a number line. b. Plot positive mixed numbers on a number line. c. Plot positive decimals on a number line. d. Identify the relative positions of simple fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. *5.2.1 Solveproblems involving multiplication and division of any whole numbers.a. Multiply any number by a multiple of 10. b. Multiply any number by a two-digit number. c. Multiply any number by a multiple of 100. d. Multiply any number by a triple digit number. e. Multiply any whole number by any whole number. f. Divide any whole number by a multiple of 10. g. Divide any whole number by a two-digit divisor. h. Divide any whole number by a three-digit divisor. i. Divide any whole number with zero in the quotient. j. Divide any whole number by a smaller whole number. *5.2.2 Addand subtract fractionsincludin mixednumbers withdifferent denominators.a. List multiples of whole numbers up to 10. b. Identifcommon multiples of whole numbers up to 10. c. Find euivalent fractions throuh multilication or division of numerators and denominators. d. Add and subtract fractions with different denominators. e. Add mixed numbers with different denominatorswith and without rerou in. f. Subtract mixed numbers with different denominators (with and without regrouping). 5.2.3 Usemodels to show an understanding of multiplication and division of fractions.a. Represent multiplication of fractions with models. b. Represent division of fractions with models. 5.2.4 Multiplyand divide fractions to solve problems.a. Multiply fractions to solve problems. b. Divide fractions to solve problems. *5.2.5 Addand subtract decimals and verify the reasonableness of the results.a. Add and subtract decimals. b. Estimate to determine whether sums of decimal numbers are reasonable.
5.2.6 Useestimation to decide whether answers are reasonable in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divisionproblems. a. Estimate to determine whether answers are reasonable in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. b. Explain orally and in writing whether answers are reasonable in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. *5.2.7 Usemental arithmetic to add or subtract simple decimals.*5.3.1 Usea variable to represent an unknown number.*5.3.2 Writesimple algebraic expressions in one or two variables and evaluate them by substitution.a. Evaluate algebraic expressions with one or two variables through substitution. b. Write simple algebraic expressions with one or two variables. 5.3.3 Usethe distributive property in numerical equations and expressions.a. Solve equations involving parentheses, brackets, or braces. b. Write equations using parentheses, brackets, or braces. c. Solve problems using the distributive property. *5.3.4 Identifyand graph ordered pairs of positive numbers.a. Identify the x and y axes on a coordinate plane. b. Explain that the x-axis is a horizontal number line and the y-axis is a vertical number line. c. Plot ordered pairs of positive numbers on a coordinate plane. *5.3.5 Findordered pairs (positive numbers only) that fit a linear equation, graph the ordered pairs, and draw the linethey determine. a. Plot ordered pairs on graph paper and connect them with a line. b. Create a table of values for x and y that satisfy a given linear equation. c. Determine ordered pairs for a linear equation. 5.3.6 Understandthat the length of a horizontal line segment on a coordinate plane equals the difference between thexof a vertical line segment on a coordinate plane equals the difference between-coordinates and that the length they-coordinates. a. Find the distance between two points on a horizontal line on a coordinate plane. b. Find the distance between two points on a vertical line on a coordinate plane. c. Find the distance between two points on a vertical or horizontal line on a coordinate plane given only the ordered pair. 5.3.7 Useinformation taken from a graph or equation to answer questions about a problem situation.a. Answer questions using information from a graph or diagram. b. Solve problems using information from equations. *5.4.1 Measure,identify, and draw angles, perpendicular and parallel lines, rectangles, triangles, and circles by usingappropriate tools. a. Measure degrees using a protractor. b. Draw angles using a protractor. c. Draw perpendicular and parallel lines. d. Construct rectangles and triangles given specific measurements. e. (5.4.5a) Identify radius and diameter of circles. f. (5.4.5b) Draw radius and diameter of circles. g. Measure radius and diameter of circles. h. Construct circles given specific measurements using a compass.
*5.4.2 Identify,describe, draw, and classify triangles as equilateral, isosceles, scalene, right, acute, obtuse, and equiangular.  a.Identify triangles by their sides (equilateral, isosceles, scalene). b. Describe triangles by their sides. c. Draw triangles by their sides. d. Classify triangles by their sides. e. Identify triangles by their angles (right, acute, obtuse and equiangular). f. Describe triangles by their angles. g. Draw triangles by their angles. h. Classify triangles by their angles. *5.4.3 Identifycongruent triangles and justify your decisions by referring to sides and angles.*5.4.4 Identify,describe, draw, and classify polygons, such as pentagons and hexagons.a. Identify polygons. b. Describe polygons. c. Draw polygons. d. Classify polygons 5.4.5 Identifyand draw the radius and diameter of a circle and understand the relationship between the radius anddiameter. 5.4.6 Identifyshapes that have reflectional and rotational symmetry.a. Identify shapes that have reflectional symmetry. b. Identify shapes that have rotational symmetry. 5.4.7 Understandthat 90˚, 180˚, 270˚, and 360˚ are associated with quarter, half, three-quarters, and full turns,respectively. 5.4.8 Constructprisms and pyramids using appropriate materials.a. Construct a prism using appropriate materials and name its attributes. b. Construct a pyramid using appropriate materials and name its attributes. 5.4.9 Givena picture of a three-dimensional object, build the object with blocks.*5.5.1 Understandand apply the formulas for the area of a triangle, parallelogram, and trapezoid.a. Calculate the area of a triangle. b. Calculate the area of a parallelogram. c. Calculate the area of a trapezoid. d. Prove, informally, the formulas for the area of a triangle, parallelogram, and trapezoid. *5.5.2 Solveproblems involving perimeters and areas of rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids, using appropriateunits. (5NF.4b) a.Solve problems involving perimeters of rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids, using appropriate units. b. Solve problems involving areas of rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids, using appropriate units. +Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction ·fractional side lengths by tiling it with unit squares of the appropriate Findthe area of a rectangle with unit fraction side lengths, and show that the area is the same as would be found by multiplying the side lengths. Multiply fractional side lengths to find areas of rectangles, and represent fraction products as rectangular areas.
*5.5.3 Useformulas for the areas of rectangles and triangles to find the area of complex shapes by dividing them intobasic shapes. a. Find the area of complex shapes by dividing them into basic shapes and using formulas for the areas of rectangles and triangles. *5.5.4 Findthe surface area and volume of rectangular solids using appropriate units.5.5.5 Understandand use the smaller and larger units for measuring weight (ounce, gram, and ton) and theirrelationship to pounds and kilograms. a. Use smaller and larger Metric units for measuring weight (gram and kilogram). b. Use smaller and larger Standard units for measuring weight (ounce and pound). c. Convert grams to kilograms and kilograms to grams. d. Convert ounces to pounds and pounds to ounces. 5.5.6 Comparetemperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit, knowing that the freezing point of water is 0˚C and 32˚F andthat the boiling point is 100˚C and 212˚F. a. Compare temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit. b. Explain that the freezing point of water is 0°Cand 32°F. c. Explain that the boiling point of water is 100°Cand 212°F. *5.5.7 Addand subtract with money in decimal notation.a. Add with money in decimal notation. b. Subtract with money in decimal notation. 5.6.1 Explainwhich types of displays are appropriate for various sets of data.a. Create a line graph to organize data. b. Explain the purpose of each type of data display.  lineplot: for data distribution  circlegraph: shows relative parts of a whole  linegraph: shows change  bargraph: shows comparison  picturegraph: shows comparison  frequencytable: organizes data c. Choose and explain which types of displays are appropriate for various sets of data. d. Complete missing information in tables, charts, or graphs. 5.6.2 Findthe mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data and describe what each does and does not tell aboutthe data set. a. Define the mean of a data set. b. Define the median of a data set. c. Define the mode of a data set. d. Define the range of a data set. e. Find the mean of a data set. f. Find the median of a data set. g. Find the mode of a data set. h. Find the range of a data set. 5.6.3 Understandthat probability can take any value between 0 and 1; events that are not going to occur haveprobability 0, events certain to occur have probability 1, and more likely events have a higher probability than less likely events. a. Explain that events that are not going to happen have a probability of 0.
b. Explain that events that are certain to happen have a probability of 1. c. Explain that probabilities that are more likely to occur have a higher numerical probability. 5.6.4 Expressoutcomes of experimental probability situations verbally and numerically.5.7.1 Analyzeproblems by identifying relationships, telling relevant from irrelevant information, sequencing andpriorities information, and observing patterns. a. Analyze problems by identifying relationships. b. Analyze problems by telling relevant from irrelevant information. c. Analyze problems by sequencing and prioritizing information. d. Analyze problems by observing patterns. 5.7.2 Decidewhen and how to break a problem into simpler parts.5.7.3 Applystrategies and results from simpler problems to solve more complex problems.5.7.4 Expresssolutions clearly and logically by using the appropriate mathematical terms and notation.Support solutions with evidence in both verbal and symbolic work. a. Express solutions clearly and logically by using the appropriate mathematical terms and notation. b. Justify solutions with verbal and/or symbolic evidence. 5.7.5 Recognizethe relative advantages of exact and approximate solutions to problems and give answers to aspecified degree of accuracy. a. Recognize the relative advantages of exact and approximate solutions to problems. b. Give answers to a specified or appropriate degree of accuracy. 5.7.6 Knowand apply appropriate methods for estimating results of rational-number computations.5.7.7 Makeprecise calculations and check the validity of the results in the context of the problem.5.7.8 Decidewhether a solution is reasonable in the context of the original situation.5.7.9 Notethe method of finding the solution and show a conceptual understanding of the method by solving similarproblems. 5.B.1 Findthe greatest common factor (GCF) and the least common multiple (LCM)5.B.2Simplify fractions to lowest terms5.B.3Convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions5.B.4Demonstrate mastery of multiplication/division facts and maintain mastery of addition/subtraction facts5.B.5Solve problems using a standard algorithmic approach involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers5.B.6Solve problems involving division of whole numbers (2-digit divisor/no remainder) using a standard algorithmicapproach5.B.8Apply the correct order of operations to evaluate numerical expressions5.B.9 Usemathematical operations to solve elapsed time (5 minute intervals)5.B.10 Convertbetween different units for measuring length (millimeters/centimeters/meters and inches/feet/yards).5G.3 Understandthat attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all subcategories ofthat category.
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