Axis Tutorial | 1Axis Tutorial Table Of Contents1. Axis Scales 22. Axis Ticks 63. Axis Markers 104. Multiple Axes 13-145. Scale Synchronization 156. Calculated Axes 16-177. Element Layout Control 187.1. Advanced: Z Axis Effect 19-208. Elements & Axis Scales 21-22 Axis Tutorial | 21 Axis ScalesAxis ScalesIntroductionThis section will describe the following:l Scale TypesWhat the different axis scales offer. l IntervalsControlling numeric and time tick intervals. l Scale RangeControlling the axis scale start, end, and range. l Scale BreaksUsing scale breaks. l Scale InfluentialsAllow axis markers and custom axis tick to influence axis scale ranges.Scale TypesAxis scales dictate more than just the values on an axis. They also specify element behavior such as stacked, or FullStacked. The options for the Scale enumeration include:l Normal l Range l Logarithmic l Time l Stacked l FullStacked l LogarithmicStackedBetween numeric and time scales, .netCHARTING will automatically set the appropriate scale so it does not always need to be specified explicitly. Scales such as Stacked or FullStacked only apply to axes on which the element y values are plotted because these are the values that are stacked. For example with a combo chart, the Chart.YAxis would be the one to specify a stacked scale.Other properties that control the scale include:l LogarithmicBasespecifies the logarithmic base of intervals.l PercentA '%' sign will be added to ...