On the Security of Election Audits with Low Entropy RandomnessEric RescorlaRTFM, Inc.ekr@rtfm.comAbstract precincts 1, 2, and 9 will be audited; he can thenattack other precincts without fear of detection viaSecure election audits require some method of ran-the audit. Similarly, if an attacker can in uence thedomly selecting the units to be audited. Becauseselection of audit units, he might be able to preventphysical methods such as dice rolling or lottery-precincts where he has attacked from being audited,style ping pong ball selection are ine cient when athus concealing evidence of the attack.large number of audit units must be selected, someIn order to prevent these attacks, it is impor-authors have proposed to stretch physical methodstant that the precincts which will be subject to au-by using them to seed randomness tables or ran-dit be unpredictable. While there are well-knowndom number generators. We analyze the security oftechniques for generating random numbers usingthese methods when the amount of input entropydice rolling [1] and numbered ping pong balls [6],is low under the assumption that the the attackerthe overhead of these mechanisms is relatively highcan choose the audit units to attack. Our resultsand scales linearly with the number of audit unitsindicate that under these conditions audits do notwhich must be selected. For example, Calandrinonecessarily provide the detection probability impliedet al. [3] describe plausible ...