Part IGroup radicalGroup radicalThe group radical of a finite monoid M is thesmallest submonoid D(M) of M containing theidempotents and closed under weak conjugation: ifsts =s and d∈D(M), then sdt,tds∈D(M).LIAFA, CNRS and University Paris VIIComputation of the radicalInitialisation : D(M) =E(M)For each d in D(S)For each weakly conjugate pair (s,t)add sdt and tds to D(S)add D(S)d to D(S).3Time complexity in 0(|S| ).LIAFA, CNRS and University Paris VII6Part IISyntactic ordered monoidIf P is a subset of a monoid M, the syntacticpreorder6 is defined on M by u6 v iff, for allP Px,y∈M,xvy∈P ⇒xuy∈P¯Denote by P the complement of P. Then u6 vPiff there exist x,y∈M such that¯xuy∈P and xvy∈PLIAFA, CNRS and University Paris VII1The syntactic ordered monoid of ab in B2∗ ∗1 0∗ aab∗ ∗ab a b ba∗b ba∗ ∗0 1LIAFA, CNRS and University Paris VII66An algorithm for the syntactic preorderLet G be the graph with M×M as set of verticesand edges of the form (ua,va)→ (u,v) or(au,av)→ (u,v).We have seen that u6 v iff there exist x,y∈MPsuch that¯xuy∈P and xvy∈PTherefore, u6 v iff the vertex (u,v) is reachableP¯in G from some vertex of P ×P.LIAFA, CNRS and University Paris VII66The algorithm (2)(1) Label each vertex (u,v) as follows:(0,1) if u∈/ P and v∈P [u6 v]P(1,0) if u∈P and v∈/ P [v6 u]P(1,1) otherwise(2) Do a depth first search (starting from eachvertex labeled by (0,1)) and set to 0 the firstcomponent of the label of all visited vertices ...