EXAMPLE LOGIC MODEL: MICHIGAN ENVIRONMENTAL RESULTS PROPOSAL FOR DRY CLEANERS STATE INNOVATION GRANTCustomers OutputsInputs/Activities Reached• Compliance •Dry Inputs:assistance cleaning •Michigan personnel engaged in ERP programmaterials facilities__________________________distributed to Activities:dry cleaners.• Establish performance measures for dry-cleaning sector.• Workshops • Identify the universe of regulated dry cleaners (perc and and trainings petroleum solvent sources). conducted.• Prior to ERP, conduct inspections at random set of dry • Compliance cleaners to establish baseline performance.assistance site • Work with EPA Region 5 to determine how ERP project visits interfaces with Title 5 requirements. conducted and • Provide technical assistance to all dry cleaners in sector phone calls through workbooks and workshops.processed.• Conduct targeted and random inspections of dry cleaners to • Stakeholder determine changes in performance and compliance status. groups • Evaluate sector and facility performance using the results of involved in the self-certifications and inspections.process.• Revise compliance assistance, inspection protocols, and level of oversight accordingly. 1EXAMPLE LOGIC MODEL: MICHIGAN ENVIRONMENTAL RESULTS PROPOSAL FOR DRY CLEANERS STATE INNOVATION GRANTIntermediate Environmental OutcomesShort-term Outcomesand/or Economic • Dry cleaners increase Outcomes•Dry cleaners keep records of relevant knowledge & ...