Tutorial: Advanced Functional MRI Brad MacIntosh (bmac@fmrib.ox.ac.uk) and Stuart Clare (stuart@fmrib.ox.ac.uk) The purpose of this tutorial is to provide an understanding of the issues associated with conducting an fMRI study at different magnetic field strengths. You will not need to analyze images during this tutorial as has happened in the past, but instead rely on fMRI papers in the literature, the concepts introduced during the lecture and your imagination on how to design a knock-out fMRI study. Scenario 1: You are interested in comparing activation patterns in young and old individuals. With access to a 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner that has the latest capabilities for fMRI using BOLD contrast you would like to design a visual-motor reaction time fMRI study to compare these two cohorts. 1.1. Give two reasons why you would expect to detect different BOLD hemodynamic response functions between these two groups. 1.2. In light of 1.1, why have you decided to make the total length of the fMRI experiment for the young and old cohort different? 1.3. Approximately how many trials would be required in the older cohort, where the fMRI time series noise is higher, to ensure that you detect an equivalent number of supra-threshold voxels? Note: A fellow student has emailed you the following paper and asks you what you think of the study. Use this paper to help with Scenario 1. Mark DʼEsposito, et al., Neuroimage: “The Effect of Normal Aging on the ...