Heterofermentation of Clostridium thermolacticum 63 ___________________________________________________________________________ 4 HETEROFERMENTATION OF CLOSTRIDIUM THERMOLACTICUM AND ITS FREE-CELL C O-CULTURE WITH MOORELLA THERMOAUTOTROPHICA 4.1 Summary The metabolites of lactose fermentation by a pure culture of Clostridium thermolacticum were lactate, acetate, ethanol, carbon dioxide and hydrogen at thermophilic temperature (60°C) and at pHs between 5.8 and 8.5. However, there was a metabolic shift from heterolactic to homolactic pathway during the fermentation, depending on the growth and pH conditions. Production of acetate and ethanol were growth associated, with an acetate to ethanol ratio of 1:1, carbon dioxide and hydrogen were formed throughout the fermentation, while lactate was produced only at the end of the exponential growth phase and during the stationary phase at a lower pH with a yield close to the maximum of 4 mol per mol lactose. C. thermolacticum was strongly inhibited by hydrogen, when 160 mM was produced in the culture medium. In co-culture with the acetogen Moorella thermoautotrophica, the hydrogen concentration decreased to a level of 4 mM due to hydrogen transfer between the two species. Consequently, the total consumption of lactose was higher for the co-culture (>80 mmol/L) than for the pure culture of C. thermolacticum (30 mmol/L). M. thermoautotrophica ...