The effectiveness of two energy drinks on selected indices of maximal
cardiorespiratory fitness and blood lactate levels in male athletes a bc Nader Rahnama*, Abbas Ali Gaeini, Fahimeh Kazemi Abstract BACKGROUND:Consumption of energy drinks has become widespread among athletes. The effectiveness of Red Bull and Hype energy drinks on selected indices of maximal cardiorespiratory fitness and blood lactate levels in male ath-letes was examined in this study. METHODS:Ten male student athletes (age: 22.4 ± 2.1 years, height: 180.8 ± 7.7 cm, weight: 74.2 ± 8.5 kg) performed three randomized maximal oxygen consumption tests on a treadmill. Each test was separated by four days and partici-pants were asked to ingest Red Bull, Hype or placebo drinks 40 minutes before the exercise bout. The VO2max, time to exhaustion, heart rate and lactate were measured to determine if the caffeine-based beverages influence performance. ANOVA test was used for analyzing data. RESULTS:A greater value was observed in VO2maxand time to exhaustion for the Red Bull and Hype trial compared to the placebo trial (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found in pre- and post-test heart rate for two drinks (p > 0.05). For blood lactate levels no significant changes were observed before and two minute after the test (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:Ingestion of Red Bull and Hype prior to exercise testing is effective on some indices of cardiorespira-tory fitness but not on the blood lactate levels. KEYWORDS:Energy Drink, Caffeine, Taurine, VO2max, Blood Lactate, Male Athletes. JRMS 2010; 15(3): 127-132 or some years the beverages denominat-alertness and physical performance during ex-F ing "energy drinks" have become wide-ercise. This is because energy drink manufac-spread both in recreational and trainedturers add ergogenic ingredients such as car-athletes, because of their proposed ergogenicbohydrates, caffeine, taurine and vitamins. effects. A variety of energy drinks are currentlyThese ingredients have been proposed to in-available on the market today and are publi-teract with each other to provide a stimulant 1 cized to increase the energy level of the indi-effect. Furthermore,the manufacturers of viduals consuming it. Sport drinks, such as Ga-these drinks claim a variety of benefits in their torade and Powerade, have been designed toadvertisements and although energy drinks refuel athletes during and after their perform-have been sold worldwide for more than a ance. Specifically, they are designed to havedecade, there is a paucity of evidence support-optimal levels of carbohydrate for glycogening their effectiveness of enhancing aerobic 2 replenishment, electrolytes for ion mainte-performance in athletes. 3 4 nance, and prevent dehydration. Contrary, en-Geiß et al (1994)and Alford et al (2001) ergy drinks are reported to increase mentalhave shown beneficial effects of Red Bull on
a Associate Professor, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran. b Professor, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. c MS, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. *Corresponding Author E-mail: JRMS/ May & June 2010; Vol 15, No 3.
Effectiveness of energy drinks in male athletes 3 performance. Geiß et al (1994)reported im-proved endurance time and lower heart rates on Red Bull which was attributed to increased catecholamine circulation while, Alford et al 4 (2001) indicatedimproved aerobic, anaerobic and psychomotor performance. Taken to-gether, these results suggest that Red Bull has the potential to improve physical and mental 4 performance. Baumet al (2001) found im-provement in cardiac contractility of endur-ance trained subjects after consumption of Red Bull. The authors reported improved cardiac output which they attributed to a reduced end 5 systolic volume.Umana-Alvarado et al (2004) reported lower rating of perceived exertion and also no improved run times in 11 male en--1 durance runner when consuming 6 ml/kg body weight of an energy drink 30 minutes 6 before the two 10 km cross-country races. Byars et al (2006) reported the pre-exercise drink positively influenced energy and endur-ance on indices of maximal cardiorespiratory 7 fitness. Thereare a limited number of studies sup-porting the use and qualitative ranking of these products. Several studies have been done 8,9 among Iranian athletes.Furthermore, dietary intakes of Iranians have its own unique charac-teristics and it remains unknown whether con-sumption of these drinks would be of any benefit among athletes consuming Iranian die-10 tary patterns or not.Therefore, the effective-ness of two caffeine and taurine-containing energy drinks (Red Bull produced in Austria and Hype produced in Netherlands) on VO2max, time to exhaustion, and heart rate vari-ables and blood lactate levels in male athletes was evaluated. In addition, it was tested to see if the combined constituents of these drinks have ergogenic effects on exercise perform-ance.
Methods Subjects After filling out questionnaires related to health and exercise history, from eligible ath-letes (healthy and active), ten male athlete stu-dents of Tehran University in the field of
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"physical education" (age: 22.4 ± 2.1 years, height: 180.8 ± 7.7 cm, weight: 74.2 ± 8.5 kg) were volunteered to take part in this study. The type of exercise they performed was regu-lar aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Each male had given informed consent to participate in this research. Subjects included in this study if they were physically active and moderate caf-feine users, and had no known sensitivity to test components or to any ingredient contained in the energy drinks. They also were not dia-betic and take medication or nutritional sup-plementation and had no evidence of cardiac 2,4 problems. Instruments Subjects performed the exercise test on tread-mill (Germany; GIGER); a Pulsimeter (Finnish; T1, 61-CODED, N2965,CE0537) estimated the heart rate (HR). Blood samples were collected 11 from unpreferred hand mid-fingertipsusing a lactate analyzer (Analox P-LM55, UK). It should be noted that the analyzer had been calibrated with known lactate standards (5.0 and 15.0 mm). Stopwatch estimated the time to exhaustion. To determine VO2max, the standard 12 formula was used. Exercise Test The Bruce treadmill test was used as exercise test. The Bruce protocol is started at stage 1 with a speed of 2.74 km/h and grade of 10%. Every three minutes speed and grade were ad-justed until the participants can no longer per-form, ideally between 9 and 15 minutes. For example, stage 2 should be 4.02 km/h and 12% grade, stage 3 should be 5.47 km/h and 14% grade, and so on. This test was performed in three sessions and four days apart from each 2 other. Procedures One week prior to the first session of the test, subjects had a familiarization session to be in-2,13 structed on how to perform each test.Also, before the testing, they were asked to wear 7 comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.They per-formed the experiment the night before to
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Effectiveness of energy drinks in male athletes
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avoid stimulants (e.g. alcohol, nicotine anddomized, placebo controlled, counterbalanced other). anddouble-blinddesign was consumed 6 2,14 2,6,11 Participantsarrived at the laboratory ofml/kg body weightRed Bull energy drink,physical education and sport sciences facultyHype energy drink or placebo,40 minutes be-5,11 fasted at 8:00 A.M. and provided a standard-fore exercise testby athletes. The nutritional 2,15 ized breakfast.The breakfast (a glass ofcomposition of two energy drinks is illustrated boiled water, 45 grams bread and 1 gram but-in table 1 and based on their body weight. The ter) provided 1580 kJ (378 kcal) of energy andplacebo beverage consisted of water with cit-7,11 had 48% carbohydrate, 17% protein and 30%rus substances. 2 fat. Afterbreakfast, the participants' height (cm), weight (kg) and body composition, wereStatistical Analysis measured by standard methods. In order toStatistical significance was assessed using 3 × 3 minimize the effect of diurnal variation, each(drinks vs. sessions) repeated measures analy-test was arranged at a similar time of day (± 1sis of variance (ANOVA). The least significant hour) with a room temperature of 22 ± 1°C anddifference (LSD) test was performed for post-16 63% relative humidity.Before the exercisehoc analyses. The statistical package SPSS ver-test, basal blood lactate and also resting HR (bysion 13 was used for statistical analysis. A count of heartbeats within 60 seconds) werevalue of p < 0.05 was considered statistically measured. Then, after five minutes of warm-significant. 17 up (measuredby researcher's assistant), a Bruce treadmill test in a controlled exerciseResults physiology lab were administered. The testDescriptive statistics (Mean ± SD) for variables was then terminated and a cool-down periodof three sessions in male athletes (n = 10) (Ta-was initiated for several minutes. Immediatelyble 2) and percentage changes (∆%)for vari-at the end of test, measurements of time to ex-ables of three sessions in male athletes (Table haustion and post-test HR were taken and for3) were recorded. estimation of blood lactate, blood samplesUsing 3 × 3 repeated measures analysis of were collected two minute after exercise test.variance, significant differences were found in VO2max(p = 0.001) and time to exhaustion (p = Experimental Protocol0.000) values in three testing sessions. No sig-All participants performed three randomly as-nificant difference was also found in pre-test signed exercise experimental conditions: a)HR (p = 0.592), post-test HR (p = 0.209), pre-Red Bull energy drink; b) Hype energy drink;test blood lactate (p = 0.068) and post-test and c) placebo drink. In each session, in a ran-blood lactate (p = 0.069). Table 1.Nutritional composition of two energy drinks (portion of 250 ml) RedBull Hype Calories/portion (kcal)122.5 99.1 Carbohydrates (g)28.3 24.8 Protein (g)0 <1 Fat (g)0 <1 Caffeine (mg)85 75 Taurine (mg)1000 1000 Glucuronolacton (mg)600 600 Other substancesB6, pantothenic acid, B12,B6, pantothenic acid, B12, water, niacin, inositol,water, niacin, inositol, sodium citrate, flavors, colorssodium, flavors, colors
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Effectiveness of energy drinks in male athletesRahnama et al Table 2.Descriptive statistics (Mean ± SD) for variables of three sessions in male athletes (n = 10) Placebo RedBull Hype -1 VO2max52.86 ± 5.3046.78 ± 4.1251.92 ± 3.90( ) Time to exhaustion (min)13.02 ± 0.9714.55 ± 1.3714.41 ± 1.10 Pre-test heart rate (bpm)74.20 ± 4.2174.10 ± 3.3574.50 ± 3.87 Post-test heart rate (bpm)185.40 ± 4.81187.80 ± 6.84188.20 ± 4.08 Blood lactate 2 min before1.19 ± 0.221.32 ± 0.311.27 ± 0.27 the test (mmol.l) Blood lactate 2 min after the13.95 ± 1.9515.15 ± 3.2614.63 ± 2.04 test (mmol.l) LSDtest indicated a significant differencerespectively. Potentially, caffeine could have a between VO2maxnumber of actions that affect skeletal and heart inRed Bull and placebo (p = 0.01), Hype and placebo (p = 0.003) and no sig-muscle. It can inhibit adenosine receptors, in-nificant difference in Red Bull and Hype ses-crease sympathetic activity, and has direct in-sions (p = 0.576). Furthermore, a significanttracellular action. The increase inVO2max may difference between time to exhaustion in Redbe attributed to ingredients such as caffeine, Bull and placebo (p = 0.003), Hype and placebotaurine, glucuronolactone and B group vita-(p = 0.001) and no significant difference in Redmins in these beverages. Caffeine has been Bull and Hype sessions (p = 0.724) was ob-shown to have desirable effects for performing served. athletesfighting fatigue, increasing energy, enhancing fatty acid metabolism and increas-Discussioning skeletal muscle contractility. The stimulant The aim of this study was to investigate theeffect of caffeine could make it effective for in-effectiveness of Red Bull and Hype energycreasing alertness while performing in a fa-drinks on selected indices of maximal cardio-tigued state. The increased metabolism of free respiratory fitness and blood lactate levels infatty acids has been proven to be useful during male athletes. Results of this study indicatedendurance exercise because of the glycogen that ingestion of Red Bull and Hype prior tosparing effects allowing an athlete to increase 18 exercise testing is effective on some indices ofexercise time.Taurine can also aid in the con-cardiorespiratory fitness but not on the bloodtractile function of skeletal muscle. Taurine lactate to increase calcium content in the sar- Inthe present study it was observed thatcoplasmic reticulum providing increased abil-Red Bull and Hype energy drinks caused anity of the muscle to contract, amplifying mus-1,19 11.5% and 9.9% increase in VO2maxcle force generation.This may also reflectvs. placebo, Table 3.∆%for variables of three sessions in male athletes (n = 10) RedBull-Placebo Hype-PlaceboRed Bull-Hype -1 VO2max( )11.5%* 9.9%* 1.8% Time to exhaustion (min)10.5%* 9.7%* 1% Pre-test heart rate (bpm)0% 0%-1% Post-test heart rate (bpm)1% 1%-0.2% Blood lactate 2 min before0.1% 6% 4% the test (mmol.l) Blood lactate 2 min after the0.8% 5%3.4% test (mmol.l) *Indicate significant difference
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Effectiveness of energy drinks in male athletes the action of glucuronolactone in providing 4 additional energy resource.The Red Bull and Hype energy drinks contain also B group vi-tamins. Intake of B vitamins containing drinks or supplements can act to help replenish in-termediates within the Kreb's Cycle allowing for increased ATP production and potentially increase in energy supply to the working ath-20 lete, allowing for increased exercise time.The previous study of Baum et al (2001) supports this hypothesis suggesting that increases in VO2maxoccur because the effects of caf- might feine and taurine may have on cardiac contrac-5 tility. Inthis study it was found that Red Bull and Hype energy drinks caused up to 10.5% and 9.7% increase in time to exhaustion vs. placebo. The findings of Umana-Alvarado et al (2004) 6 don't support the present results.However, the present findings are in agreement with re-3 sults of Geiß et al (1994).The increase in time to exhaustion may be due to absence of carbo-hydrate, caffeine and taurine. It is well estab-lished that carbohydrate is the preferred fuel for short-duration, high-intensity exercise and 21 longer duration, higher intensity exercise and that depletion of muscle glycogen and blood glucose limit exercise duration and per-22 formance. Caffeineingestion may enhance time to exhaustion because as mentioned ear-lier it has been implicated in increasing lipoly-sis from adipose tissue and thus enhancing fat oxidation resulting in spared stored glycogen 23,24 during intense and prolonged exercise.Re-sults of Zhang et al (2004) indicated significant increases in VO2max, time to exhaustion and maximal workload in exercise-test when con-suming a taurine supplement. The authors
Conflict of Interests Authors have no conflict of interests.
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postulate that this could be due to taurine at-tenuating exercise-induced DNA damage and increase of the capacity of exercise because of 25 its cellular protective properties. Inthe present study, consumption of energy drinks did not affect our subjects HR. These findings support the results of Baum et al (2001), Bichler et al (2006) and Alford et al 4,5,26 (2001). Incontrast, lower HRs in endurance athletes after consuming of Red Bull energy 3 drink has been reported.The lack of change inheart rate in the current study may be due to combination of taurine with caffeine in these beverages. No increase in HR when consuming caffeine suggest that taurine within the bever-ages may be doing something to alter cardio-26 vascular physiology.Blood lactate levels changed after the current exercise test, but the change between groups were not significant. In the Bruce exercise intensity increases from one stage to another. Then, levels of blood lactate during intense exercise increased. No signifi-cant differences between groups indicated that these drinks do not affect blood lactate.
Conclusions In summary, it may be concluded that two caf-feine and taurine-containing energy drinks have ergogenic effects on indices of maximal cardiorespiratory fitness in male athletes. Two energy drinks caused increase in VO2max, time to exhaustion, and no change in HR and blood lactate levels. The results of this research showed that the combined ingredients in these energy drinks may be responsible for the pro-posed effects.
Authors' Contributions AG and NR carried out the design and coordinated the study and also prepared the manuscript. FK carried out all the experiments and participated in manuscript preparation. All authors have read and approved the content of the manuscript.
JRMS/ May & June 2010; Vol 15, No 3.
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