Ashland Public Comment Meeting Page 1 of 22October 6, 2004thMODERATOR: Ashland Public Comment Meeting. October 6 , 2004. (break in tape)MALE (begins mid-sentence; difficult to hear as he seems to be talking away from themicrophone): …pricing mechanism under the (not understandable) see Wisconsin leaving Minnesotaand Michigan high and dry by underselling water. And there’s no mention of price, regulations, whichare many, which are subjective it seems to me.BRUCE BAKER: Well I, I’m not sure that I understand your question cause you can’t reallybuy water in Wisconsin.MALE: Well if you’re talking about diverse and consumptive uses, outside the base (notunderstandable), we do wind up selling Great Lakes water. What about the price mechanism? Onestate could undersell the other state. You’ve got counties, the lakes. You’ve got five Great Lakesinvolved, Lake Superior. You’ve got, you’ve got three states at least on this side. And Wisconsin canundersell Minnesota and Michigan.BRUCE BAKER: Well, we’re not proposing to sell, none…none of the governments areproposing to sell Great Lakes water and we believe that the, you can’t buy the Great Lakes water.People can use Great Lakes water and, and the law on that is called the Reasonable Riparian Use inWisconsin, where if you have access to the water and you don’t do adverse harm to others and meet allthe applicable regulations, you can use the water but you can’t buy the water. It’s public. So, there ...