July 3, 2007 Mr. Michael Ferry City of Santa Cruz Planning and Community Development Department 809 Center Street, Room 206, City Hall Annex Santa Cruz, California 95060 Re: Safeway-Almar Expansion Initial Study Dear Mr. Ferry: The University of California Santa Cruz offers the following comments on the Draft Initial Study prepared by the City of Santa Cruz for the proposed Safeway-Almar Expansion Project. 1. Scope and description of the project: The project description is inadequate in scope and detail. In fact, in violation of CEQA's requirements, the Initial Study includes neither a location map nor a site map, and lacks adequate information on site layout, location of proposed driveways, and phasing of demolition and construction. Further, the Initial Study presents conflicting data regarding the scope of the proposed project. For example, the project site is described on pages 1 and 3 as 6.4 acres, and on page 17, in the discussion of air quality impacts from grading, as 4.62 acres. This discrepancy suggests that air quality impacts from grading may be understated in the Initial Study. Further, it also calls into question the analysis of increased stormwater runoff, since it is unclear whether the entire increase in impervious surface area is addressed. In addition, the project description indicates that the project would include 407 parking spaces (IS, p 2), while the traffic analysis indicates that there would be either (p ...