Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - Federal Register Document E7-6604 - Proposed Information








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Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 67/Monday, April 9, 2007/Notices 17589 Dated: April 3, 2007. response to this notice, the Department coal mines with water, which has the intends to submit an ICR to OMB for Bradford P. Campbell, potential of drowning miners. The coal continuing approval. No change to the mine operator submits an application Acting Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefits existing ICR is proposed or made at this Security Administration. for the permit to the District Manager in time. An agency may not conduct or whose district the mine is located. [FR Doc. E7–6554 Filed 4–6–07; 8:45 am] sponsor, and a person is not required to Applications contain the name and BILLING CODE 4510–29–P respond to, an information collection address of the mine; projected mining unless it displays a valid OMB control and ground support plans; a mine map number. A summary of the ICR and the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR showing the location of the river, current burden estimates follows: stream, lake or other body of water and Mine Safety and Health Administration its relation to the location of all working Agency: Employee Benefits Security places; a profile map showing the type Administration, Department of Labor. Proposed Information Collection of strata and the distance in elevation Title: Notice Requirements of the Request Submitted for Public between the coal bed and the water Health Care Continuation Coverage Comment and Recommendations; involved. Provisions. Operations ...
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Federal Register 72, No. 67 / Monday, April 9, 2007 / Notices/ Vol.
response to this notice, the DepartmentDated: April 3, 2007.coal mines with water, which has the intends to submit an ICR to OMB forBradford P. Campbell,potential of drowning miners. The coal continuing approval. No change to theActing Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefitsmine operator submits an application existing ICR is proposed or made at thisSecurity Administration.for the permit to the District Manager in time. An agency may not conduct or[FR Doc. E76554 Filed 4607; 8:45 am]whose district the mine is located. sponsor, and a person is not required toBILLING CODE 451029PApplications contain the name and respond to, an information collection address of the mine; projected mining unless it displays a valid OMB control and ground support plans; a mine map number. A summary of the ICR and theDEPARTMENT OF LABORshowing the location of the river, current burden estimates follows: stream, lake or other body of water and Agency:Employee Benefits SecurityMine Safety and Health Administrationfoa llw cotaoi nto the lelation ir sttyp thewingohs pam eliforp  as;cela pngkior Administration, Department of Labor.Proposed Information Collectionhntae ecniad tdslteav eais   rnten  of atio Title:Notice Requirements of theRequest Submitted for Publicbetween the coal bed and the water Health Care Continuation CoverageComment and Recommendations;involved. Provisions.Operations Under Water Type of Review:Extension of aACTION:Notice.II. DesiredlFotchuesMoifnCeoSmafmeteyn tasn d Health currently approved collection of Current y, information. SUMMARY: AdministrationThe Department of Labor, as (MSHA) is soliciting OMB Number:1210 comments concerning the proposed0123. part of its continuing effort to reduce Affected Public: r.teWanoitarep rednU sd rek anrworpapeite ncraeataulnscocustocdnerlca p dentsponden  burextet ehi fnsnoi nfool cctlneImaorontis  doertO  ot dnioviidaulaelr households; Business or other for-profit; gram tprovide the general pubolnic  MSHA is particularly interested in Not-for-profit institutions. parnod Federoa l agencies with an comments which: Respondents:411,000. Frequency of Responses:f  onsioctleloc ed oposn prtno moemotc ti yopponutrnOcco oisa .nEvaluate whether the proposed Responses:foingniunitnoc rnd/oa09.0 9,225,tiho nt hoef  idnafonrcmea twiinia ccromcrtlaooeil tncp reporp eht rofy arsscenes  ion ef thce ormanerfo Estimated Total Burden Hours: Reduction Act of 1995 functionsNone Paperwork of the agency, including Estimated Total Burden Cost whether(PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This the information will have (Operating and Maintenance):pam hrogrt  olespert neusd in the desire dtr haqureteesdapd c atb narp edivo fo  eht a;Etcacviullau itilytaccuracyate the $14,723,400. e Estimated Total Annualized Cost:i )sicrseseuoed, imizempit( nedrub gni ralciansin frnodp oanegaycofmrta ,eroptroitamrofni fo no n,eh fot ed nb ruecticolled sofe he tst eatim $16,379,900. m n collection instruments are clearly including the validity of the III. Desired Focus of Commentsunderstood, and the impact of collection and assumptions used; methodology The Department of Labor rperqoupierrelmy eansstse sosne drespondents can be clanf ihe tontimaor eb ot ity,quallity uti d ,na yfortiahnE ecn eht (Department) is particularly interested . in comments that:DATES: and collected;Submit comments on or before  JEvaluate whether the proposedAuDnDeR E8,S S2E0S0:7 nestt ,oD obceilb emmoc dneS.  ohw esohion on tinformatitnoo  f elce oenthf e thrdbumini eziM collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the F1e1r0r0a rWo,i lMsoann aBgoeumleevnatr Sd,e rRvoicoems  2D1iv7i1s,i on, uamrseee  ctahop arpnerisocpapolr,in aodtr,e   ioantchulteuor dtmieanctghe tndh,o rleoolugeicgcthra lot nhiec , functions of the agency, including whether the information will have Arel ienngctoonu,r aVgA d2 t2o2 s0e9nmeom C9.s ernt393 gttnireimhlo,.p e g.orma inf tection rehto rfo smrofchten io oesqunicloeltcc riemmodeht nts practical utility; aorn computer edisk, or via Internet e-maileltonic submisnsioongsy ,of responses. Evaluate the accuracy of the agencyo t eF efrhtneo ubdrht e of mateestis Frearrroa rcoa.nD ebbebrieea@chDeOdLa.tG(O2VMs.  )2.0 396 IIIe.cCrurrent Action proposed collection of information, including the validity of the 9821 (voice), or (202) 6939801 methodology and assumptions used; (FfOaRcsFiUmRiTleH)E.R INFORMATION CONTACT:tnyl ,htCruerafety ane Mine SmdA sinieH dhtlaSH(M iA)attrn iolicis so comting socemtningncnrero phe td sepo Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be CADoDntRaEcStStEhS eyoeemelpted  lishe in tnformation colletcoi neralet dotpe Otiras ondeUnaW r.ret ec .onitiehx sfot i onno issencetti eht fo collected; and Minimize the burden of theSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:: cyenAgpyTfoR  eMeivie wS:. onisnetxEth eHlana dte yfa collection of information on those whoI. BackgroundnaetioistrdminAn are to respond, including through the , CFR 75.1716, 75.17161 . use of appropriate automated, anTd it7l5e. 1370163 re§quire operators of :TMO eBltNiOupemrbateiro:211n9sn U  Wererat00d20. . electronic, mechanical, or other underground coal mines to notifyA technological collection techniques or inin es other forms of information technology, oMf SwHatAe ro fa npdr otpo oosbetda imn a pegrumnitd teor  bmoindie proNffifute.m icblPud : seopfoctRe ber Bnudseinntess:s to ro -rof reh. 30 e.g., by permitting electronic under a body of water if, in theAnnual Reponses:30. submissions of responses. judgment of the Secretary, it isAverage Response Time:5 hours. Comments submitted in response to sufficiently large to constitute a hazardTotal Annual Burden Hours:150. this notice will be summarized and/or to miners. This is a statutory provisionTotal Burden Cost (operating/ included in the ICR for OMB approval contained in Section 317(r) of themaintaining):$450. of the extension of the information Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of Comments submitted in response to collection; they will also become a 1977. The regulation is necessary to this notice will be summarized and/or matter of public record. prevent the inundation of underground included in the request for Office of
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Federal Register/ Vol. / Monday, 72, No. 67 / Notices April 9, 2007
Management and Budget approval of theFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: to prevent smoking inThe implemented information collection request; they will employee listed in theADDRESSES hazardous areas. also become a matter of public record. section of this notice.Type of Review:Extension. Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 4th daySUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:Agency:Mine Safety and Health Administration. oDfaAvipdr iLl,.2M0e07. I. BackgroundTitle:Program to Prevent Smoking in   yer,Under the Mine Act and§ Areas.75.1702, Hazardous DMiarencatoer, Office of Administration and coal mine operators are required toOMB Number:12190041. g ment.develop programs to prevent personsFrequency:On Occasion. [FR Doc. E76604 Filed 4607; 8:45 am]from carrying smoking materials,Affected Public:Business or other for-BILLING CODE 451043P promatches, or lighters underground and toRfeit.dents:492. DEPARTMENT OF LABORprevent smoking in hazardous areas,nopsReseon s:101. such as in or around oil houses,spitsEetamiT dP em Rerpoesennd t:. explosives magazines, etc. The Mine Act 5 Mine Safety and Health Administration hours.and the standard further require that the Proposed Information Collectionmine operator submit the program planTtolaB urden Hours: B latoTCon deurop (st5e0r.a5t ihnogu/rs.  Request Submitted for Publicro erif oSMtsepof  ohe Tur porpp.lavf AHa ro that a o insurear msit ht erpgomaintaining):$0. Comment and Recommendations; Program to Prevent Smoking innoiAsoMlpxHeSnos oe drdzaha mentComn deatiostiginve s uc.r tcof ice he tind delunc iffO rof tseuqer tielrl mbien esd ntohtaitc e w dna/dromuamirezd te rinsus itbmt ot sihopse esn Hazardous AreasemenanagoMa ppgdte duB tnath eomtsl kile yosceurf  oniigontirof lfo t eh ACTION: fatal explosions in the past was rovaNotice. several the open flame of a cigarette lighter or ialnsfoo rbmecatoiomne  ca olmleatctteiro no fr epqubelist; thceoyr dw. ill SUMMARY: re c u match.The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burdenII. Desired Focus of CommentsinrgVi, isth, iaA ta detnotgnilrDa ,l2 00.7 of Apri 4th day conducts a pre-clearance consultation MSHA is particularly interested inDavid L. Meyer, program to provide the general public comments that:inistration and and Federal agencies with an osed oEvaluate whether opportunity to comment on proposed collection of informatitohne  isp rnepcessary [DMFiaRre cnDtaoogcer., mEOe7nfft.i6ce6 0o5f AFidlemd 4607; 8:45 am] and/or continuing collections of for the proper performance of theBILLING CODE 451043P information in accordance with the ncludin Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 fwuhnectthioern st hoef  itnhfeo argmeanticoy,n i will havge  (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506 (c)(2)(A)]. This t ; program helps to ensure that requested prthe  of racycaucht eta eavulEyliti ualictcaNATIONAL COUNCIL OF DISABILITY data can be provided in the desired of the burden of thes imate format, reporting burden (time and agencsyed  ecsotllection of informSunshine Act Meetings financial resources) is minimized, ipnrcolpuoding the validity of the ation, TYPE:Quarterly Meeting. collection instruments are clearly methodology and assumptions used;DATES AND TIMES:April 16, 2007, 10 understood, and the impact of collection t requirements on respondents can be claylian, d itrfo Enhance ht euqlati,yu it..maeb t  oitno5 p.m. April 17, 2007, 9 a.m.4 properly assessed. colley the di nformap.m. Currently, the Mine Safety and Healtho nedrub eht ezie thf inimM; anctedLOCATION:Crowne Plaza Hotel Atlanta-Administration (MSHA) is soliciting collection of information on those who BAtulcaknhtae,a Gd,e o3r3g7i7a .Peachtree Road, NE., comments concerning the extension of are to respond, including through theSTATUS:April 16, 2007, 10 a.m.5 the information collection related to the toma Sections 317(c) of the Federal Mine uelseec torf oanpicp,r omperciahtae naicual, or toetdh,e r p.m.Open. April 17, 2007, 9 a.m.4 Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine cal collection techn Act), 30 U.S.C. 877(c), and 30 CFR technologi iques or p.m.Open. April 17, 2007, 4 p.m.5 ion technolo 75.1702 which prohibits persons from other forms of informat gy, p.m.Closed. smoking or carrying smoking materials eo.fg r.,e spermitting electronic submissions AGENDA:Public Comments; Livable underground or in places where there is ponses. o Communities/Best Practices Panel a fire or explosion hazard. Section A copy orfe the prposed information Presentation; Emergency Preparedness 75.1702ned by cbe obtai ft nsets omiotraRl e;nnareorpPe P1 requires eht taht enim quion can est eltcclo operator submit the program plan toFoOnRtaFcUtRiTnHgEtRhIeNeFmORplMoAyTIeOeNliCstOeNdTiAnCtTh cAitgnC na dht etive Diro- ExecumbMes ereunCol ci ettimmoC ;srotced ane MSHA for approval. section of this notice, or viewed on the NTeeawmB Ruespinoretsss;;  UAnnfninoiusnhceed mBeunstisn; ess; DATES:Submit comments on or before net June 8, 2007. ipnatgeer (httbpy: /a/cwcwesws.imngs htha.eg oMvS/H Aa h)o me ndSAUdNjSoHuIrNnEmAeCnTt.MEETING CONTACT:Mark S. ADDRESSES:Send comments to, Debbie choosing‘‘Rules and Regs’’, then Ferraro, Management Services Division, choosing‘‘Fed Reg Docs.’’ Director of Communications, Quigley, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2171, e 85 Arlington, VA 222093939. CommentersIII. Current Actions;400202 n, DC 20ashingtoW.W ,uSCD, NF S 3113,tN rtee272ti0,002 4 are encouraged to send their comments The mine operator uses the (voice), 2022722074 (TTY), 202272 on computer disk, or via Internet e-mail information to conduct the program. 2022 (fax). toL.GOe@DOebbiro.DarreFV. Ms. MSHA uses the information toAGENCY MISSION:NCD is an independent Ferraro can be reached at (202) 693 the mine operator determine agency makings Federal 9821 (voice), or (202) 693 to the President and recommendations with the standard and that9801 compliance (facsimile). a program is developed and Congress to enhance the quality of life
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