Improved Point Source InventoryThrough Validation and Audit of the Reported DataMike A. Nazemi, Zorik Pirveysian, Elaine ChangSouth Coast Air Quality Management District21865 E. Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765mnazemi@aqmd.govNatasha MeskalEcotek, MST Solutions, Inc.8840 Warner Ave., Suite 304, Fountain Valley, CA 92708ABSTRACTThe Annual Emissions Reports (AERs) filed by over 3,000 facilities provide the basis for theSouth Coast Air Quality Management District’s (District’s) point source emissions inventory. Accuracyof the inventory has significant implications since it is used for planning, rule development, andemission fee calculation purposes as well as for determining the applicability of federal, state, or localprograms (e.g., Title V, RECLAIM). Emission fees collected through the AER Program represent morethan 20 percent of District’s budget. The reporting software, which was used this year by 72% of pointsource facilities for filing their AERs, has considerably reduced the reporting errors and facilitated dataprocessing by District. Additional Quality Control (QA/QC) of the data reported by facilities is alsoconducted by the Contractor to identify potential reporting errors based on the specific criteriaestablished by the District. Finally, to further validate the point source inventory, the reported data areaudited by District to ensure compliance with District rules, policies and emission calculation guidelines.Implementation of ...