June 5, 2008 Humboldt County Planning Commission 3015 H Street Eureka, California 95501 Subject: Public Comments for GPU Dear Planning Commissioners and County Planning Staff: In 1997 five Humboldt Bay and Eel River watersheds were declared sediment-impaired by a multi-agency team. That year, Humboldt Watershed Council (HWC) was founded as an advocacy organization to protect public infrastructure, and watershed residents’ property, health, and safety from sediment impacts of upstream land management practices. HWC Board submits this comment to the following elements: Water Resources, Biological Resources, Health & Safety, Forest Resources, Conservation & Open Space Our watersheds provide fresh water; fish; nutrient cycling for forests, aquaculture, & agriculture; flood & climate control; biodiversity; minerals; recreation; and flushing necessary for our bay & estuary ecosystems. These values, products, and services are important not only to us in Humboldt County, but are of growing importance to the state and nation as well. From over a decade of monitoring both the physical conditions of our watersheds and the science and policies governing them, we have come to these conclusions: 1. our regulatory system has failed our watersheds 2. the most important factor is Cumulative Impacts or Cumulative Watershed Effects (CWE) 3. county planning needs to take a watershed-scale approach based on Cumulative Watershed Effects, to ...